首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Plant Protection >Morphological and chemical parameters associated with resistance to Callosobruchus chinensis in pigeonpea

Morphological and chemical parameters associated with resistance to Callosobruchus chinensis in pigeonpea


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The performance of 16 pigeonpea varieties/genotypes to Callosobruchus chinensis Linn, was assessed under laboratory conditions based on the development of the insect, seed damage and the various morphological/ chemical parameters of the test varieties. Significant variation was observed among the varieties with respect to pest development and seed damage. The varieties PRG-158 and PRG-WO, which recorded 0.0 and 0.8 index of susceptibility were categorized as resistant while seven varieties viz., Lakshmi, ICPL-871I9, LRG-38, ICPL-8863, LRG-41, WRG-79 and WRG-65 exhibited moderate resistance (2.9 to 5.0) and the remaining 7 varieties/ genotypes viz., MRG-66, LRG-30, WRG-27, WRG-53, WRGE-18, WRGE-14 and Durga showed moderate susceptibility (5.1 to 6.0index of susceptibility) to bruchid infestation. Among the physical parameters, seed colour played a significant role on fecundity of the test insect while inter granular space showed significant influence on fecundity, developmental period, adult emergence and seed infestation. The chemical parameters like high ash and potash contents of test varieties were detrimental to the growth and development of test insect while protein content of the test varieties favoured the successful development ofbruchidsand high infestation.
机译:在实验室条件下,根据昆虫的发育,种子损害以及测试品种的各种形态/化学参数,评估了16种木豆品种/基因型对中华Call的性能。在虫害发展和种子损害方面,各品种之间观察到了显着差异。 PRG-158和PRG-WO品种的药敏指数分别为0.0和0.8,被归为抗药性,而Lakshmi,ICPL-871I9,LRG-38,ICPL-8863,LRG-41,WRG-79和7种品种被归类为抗药性。 WRG-65表现出中等抗药性(2.9至5.0),其余7个变种/基因型,即MRG-66,LRG-30,WRG-27,WRG-53,WRGE-18,WRGE-14和Durga表现出中等敏感性( 5.1到6.0的敏感性)在物理参数中,种子颜色对被测昆虫的繁殖力起着重要的作用,而粒间空间对繁殖力,发育时期,成年出苗和种子出没具有显着影响。高灰分,高钾等化学参数对试验昆虫的生长发育不利,而蛋白质含量高,有利于虫体的成功发育和高发。



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