首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources >SSR and ISSR Markers based Population Genetic Structure of Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Germplasm Accessions

SSR and ISSR Markers based Population Genetic Structure of Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Germplasm Accessions


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The coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) is one of the major perennial oil crops of tropics. Population genetic structure was assessed among 33 accessions (4 individuals per accession) with ISSR and SSR markers. The molecular marker data were analyzed with POPGENE and ARLEQUIN software. The parameters derived were, Shannon's index, differentiation indices (Fst and Gst) and molecular variances. The diversity was partitioned into 'within population' (59.82% and 68.56% based on ISSR and SSR markers, respectively) and 'between populations' (40.18% and 31.44% based on ISSR and SSR markers, respectively). Relatively high 'between populations' diversity was present in the accessions belonging to South Pacific region reflecting higher population differentiation. Dwarfs and intermediate coconut types also maintained high 'between populations' diversity due its autogamous behaviour. There was overall reduction in the number of markers (ISSR and SSR) among the dwarfs and intermediate populations. The study provided useful information regarding the genetic makeup of the coconut germplasm accessions and their utilization in breeding.
机译:椰子树(Cocos nucifera L.)是热带地区主要的多年生油料作物之一。使用ISSR和SSR标记评估了33个种质(每个种质4个个体)中的种群遗传结构。用POPGENE和ARLEQUIN软件分析分子标记数据。得出的参数包括香农指数,分化指数(Fst和Gst)和分子变异。多样性分为“种群内”(分别基于ISSR和SSR标记为59.82%和68.56%)和“种群之间”(分别基于ISSR和SSR标记为40.18%和31.44%)。属于南太平洋区域的种质中存在较高的“种群间”多样性,这反映了更高的种群分化。矮人和中等椰子类型由于其同性行为,也保持着较高的“种群之间”多样性。矮人和中等种群中标记物(ISSR和SSR)的数量总体上减少了。该研究提供了有关椰子种质种质的遗传组成及其在育种中的利用的有用信息。



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