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35 year-old man with falcine tumor.


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A 35-year-old man presented with one month history of vomitus, dizziness and headache. CT and MR imaging revealed a 3.5 x 3.2 cm solitary extra-axial midline mass arising from the frontal falx cerebri; radiological findings were diagnostic of meningioma of the falx. At surgery, the tumour appeared as an extra-axial lesion and was removed via a left midline frontal craniotomy. Macroscopically, the surgical specimen was whitish, soft, well circumscribed and measured 1.6 cm in diameter; microscopic features showed a neoplasm with high cellularity, presence of mitotic figures, without necrosis or microvascular proliferation; the neoplasm was reactive for glial fibrillary acidic protein and MIB-1 index was about 15%. Given the localization, microscopic features were diagnostic of primary intracranial solitary leptomeningeal astrocytoma (PLA), WHO grade 3. PLA is a very rare lesion that arises in the leptomeninges of the brain or spinal cord with no involvement of intraparenchymatous tissue. Fifteen cases of PLA are reported in the literature. Retrospective neuroradiological analysis of this case failed to detect any findings to help in the differential diagnosis, thus confirming the fundamental role of the neuropathologist even in what can firstly appear to be a straightforward radiological diagnosis.
机译:一名35岁的男子,有一个月的呕吐,头晕和头痛病史。 CT和MR成像显示,额叶大脑有3.5 x 3.2 cm的孤立轴外中线肿块。影像学检查结果可诊断出福克斯的脑膜瘤。手术时,肿瘤表现为轴外病变,并通过左中线额叶开颅手术切除。肉眼观察,手术标本发白,柔软,边界清楚,直径为1.6厘米。镜下表现为具有高细胞性,有丝分裂形态,无坏死或微血管增生的肿瘤;肿瘤对神经胶质纤维酸性蛋白有反应性,MIB-1指数约为15%。鉴于定位,显微特征可诊断出原发性颅内孤立性软脑膜星形细胞瘤(PLA),WHO 3级。PLA是一种非常罕见的病变,出现在大脑或脊髓的软脑膜中,不涉及实质组织。文献报道了15例PLA。对该病例的回顾性神经放射学分析未能发现任何有助于鉴别诊断的发现,从而证实了神经病理学家的根本作用,即使在最初看起来是直接的放射学诊断中也是如此。



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