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From political economy to sociology: Francis Galton and the social-scientific origins of eugenics


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Having coined the word 'eugenics' and inspired leading biologists and statisticians of the early twentieth century, Francis Galton is often studied for his contributions to modern statistical biology. However, whilst documenting this part of his work, historians have frequently neglected crucial aspects of what motivated Galton to establish his eugenics research programme. Arguing that his work was shaped more by social than by biological science, this paper addresses these oversights by tracing the development of Galton's programme, from its roots in a debate about political economy to his appeals for it to be taken up by sociologists. In so doing, the paper not only returns Galton's ideas to their original context but also provides a reason to reflect on the place of the social sciences in history-of-science scholarship.
机译:弗朗西斯·高尔顿(Francis Galton)创造了“优生学”一词并启发了20世纪初期的领先生物学家和统计学家,他因其对现代统计生物学的贡献而经常受到研究。但是,在记录他的这部分工作时,历史学家经常忽略了促使高尔顿建立他的优生学研究计划的关键方面。认为他的工作更多地是由社会决定的,而不是由生物科学决定的,因此本文通过追溯高尔顿计划的发展,从其对政治经济学的辩论到社会学家对他的呼吁的呼吁,来解决这些疏忽。这样做,不仅使高尔顿的思想回到了其原始背景,而且提供了一个反思社会科学在科学史学术研究中的地位的理由。



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