首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education & Research >Empathy In Chinese Pharmacy Undergraduates: Implication for Integrating Humanities Into Professional Pharmacy Education

Empathy In Chinese Pharmacy Undergraduates: Implication for Integrating Humanities Into Professional Pharmacy Education


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At present, fostering and promoting empathy, an important humanistic quality, are believed ethical imperatives, and should be carried through the pharmacy education to facilitate the interpersonal and philosophical development of healthcare students. A cross-sectional study used the JSE-HPS (Jefferson Scale of Empathy-Health Profession Student version) to assess 263 Chinese pharmacy undergraduates from 1st to 4th year at Wuhan University of Science and Technology. Attached to the scale was a survey containing questions on demographics and favorite implementation model of humanistic education. Mean score of JSE-HPS was 112.58. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.81. Three factors emerging in the factor analysis of JSE-HPS are "perspective taking", "compassionate care" and "ability to stand in patients' shoes". And empathy score of 4th-year students was highest. In addition, the three most popular implementation models were "Social activities", "Extracurricular activity on pharmacy humanistic education", and "Humanistic education should be infiltrated and integrated within the existing professional curriculum", respectively. Our study findings indicate that humanistic education in the foundations courses for 1st to 3rd academic year pharmacy students need to be focus on. For successful practice, humanistic education that promotes empathy has to be integrated within the existing training programs for pharmacy undergraduate students in a vivid way.
机译:目前,培养和促进同理心是一种重要的人文素质,被认为是道德上的当务之急,应通过药学教育进行普及,以促进医护学生的人际关系和哲学发展。一项横断面研究使用JSE-HPS(共情健康专业学生杰斐逊量表),评估了武汉科技大学263名从1年级到4年级的中国药学专业的本科生。该量表附有一项调查,其中涉及人口统计学问题和人文教育的偏爱实施模式。 JSE-HPS的平均得分为112.58。克朗巴赫(Cronbach)的alpha系数是0.81。在JSE-HPS的因素分析中出现的三个因素是“透视服药”,“体贴护理”和“站立在病人鞋子上的能力”。而四年级学生的同理心得分最高。另外,最受欢迎的三种实施模式分别是“社交活动”,“药学人文教育的课外活动”和“应将人文教育渗透并整合到现有专业课程中”。我们的研究结果表明,应针对第一至第三学年药学专业基础课程的人文教育。为了成功进行实践,必须以生动的方式将促进同理心的人文教育纳入现有的药学本科生培训计划中。



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