首页> 外文期刊>journal of the science of food and agriculture >Changes in the physicochemical properties of rice with aging

Changes in the physicochemical properties of rice with aging




AbstractSeven varieties of rice belonging to dwarfindica, tallindicaandjaponicaclasses were stored as paddy as well as milled rice at 1‐3°C, room temperature (RT) and 37‐40°C in the dark and also at RT in the light for 3.5 years. Various physicochemical properties were measured in the samples at intervals. The aging process in rice appeared to be characterised by: (a) an increase in volume expansion and a steady decrease in solids loss upon cooking, (b) an initial increase followed by a steady decrease in the power of hydration (water uptake at 96 and 80°C, equilibrium moisture content), (c) probably a slow decrease in the solubility of the amylose and a slow increase in the gelatinisation temperature, (d) an initial increase followed by a steady decrease in paste viscosity and setback, and (e) a sharply decreasing viscograph breakdown. The process was retarded effectively by storage in the cold. Conversely, it was greatly hastened by storage at high temperature and to some extent by exposure to light. In addition, the process occurred much faster and/or to a greater extent in high‐amylose (total as well as insoluble) rather than in low‐amylose varieties, and to some extent in milled rice rather tha
机译:摘要将矮化稻米、大米和粳稻的7个品种作为水稻和碾米分别在1-3°C、室温和37-40°C的黑暗中储存,并在室温下在光照下保存3.5年。每隔一段时间测量样品中的各种物理化学性质。大米的陈化过程似乎具有以下特点:(a)蒸煮后体积膨胀增加,固体损失稳步减少,(b)水合能力最初增加,然后稳步下降(96°C和80°C时吸水率,水分含量平衡),(c)直链淀粉的溶解度可能缓慢下降,糊化温度缓慢增加, (d) 最初增加,然后稳定降低浆料粘度和回退,以及 (e) 粘度仪分解急剧下降。通过在低温中储存,有效地延缓了这一过程。相反,在高温下储存并在一定程度上暴露在光线下大大加速了它。此外,该过程在高直链淀粉(总直链淀粉和不溶性)中比在低直链淀粉品种中发生得更快和/或更大程度,在某种程度上在精米中发生得更快和/或更大程度上




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