首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Fisheries >Scomber indicus, a new species of mackerel (Scombridae: Scombrini) from Eastern Arabian Sea

Scomber indicus, a new species of mackerel (Scombridae: Scombrini) from Eastern Arabian Sea

机译:Scomber indicus,一种来自东部阿拉伯海的鲭鱼新品种(Scombridae:Scombrini)

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Scomber indicus, a new species of mackerel is described based on the specimens collected from the eastern Arabian Sea. The species is differentiated from its nearest congener Scomber australasicus, in having 29-32 gill rakers on lower limb of first gill arch, posteriormost part of hypohyal blunt, with presence of a pit between the hypohyal and the ceratohyal and also in having a posteriorly directed haemal spine which is deeply curved in the basal region. Genetic differentiation and divergence between the newly described species and the 4 valid species of the genus Scomber viz., S. scombrus, S. japonicus, S. australasicus and S. colias were compared using cytochrome c oxidase 1 and cytochrome b gene sequences. The new species was found closest to S. colias followed by S. japonicus with Kimura 2 parameter (K2P) values of 1.4 and 1.8% respectively. In the phylogenetic tree, sequences of Scomber indicus sp. nov. formed a distinct well separated clade with significant bootstrap values as compared to the sequences of S. scombrus, S. japonicus, S. australasicus and S. colias indicating their distinctiveness and separate species status.
机译:Scomber indicus是根据从阿拉伯海东部收集的标本描述的一种新的鲭鱼种。该物种有别于其最接近的同类人Scomber australasicus,在第一g弓的下肢,hyhyhyal钝器的最后部,下hy骨和cerhyhyhyal之间存在一个凹坑,并且其后向定向在基部深弯曲的海马脊柱。使用细胞色素C氧化酶1和细胞色素b基因序列比较了新描述的物种与Scomber viz。,S。scombrus,S。japonicus,S。australasicus和S. colias属的4个有效种之间的遗传分化和差异。发现新物种最接近于大肠杆菌,其次是日本血吸虫,其木村2参数(K2P)值分别为1.4和1.8%。在系统树中,Scomber indicus sp。的序列。十一月与S. scombrus,S。japonicus,S。australasicus和S. colias的序列相比,形成的分离的分离枝具有明显的自举值,表明它们的独特性和独立的物种状态。



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