首页> 外文期刊>British journal for the history of science >Bears in Eden, or, this is not the garden you're looking for: Margaret Cavendish, Robert Hooke and the limits of natural philosophy

Bears in Eden, or, this is not the garden you're looking for: Margaret Cavendish, Robert Hooke and the limits of natural philosophy


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This paper investigates Margaret Cavendish's characterization of experimental philosophers as hybrids of bears and men in her 1666 story The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World. By associating experimental philosophers, in particular Robert Hooke and his microscope, with animals familiar to her readers from the sport of bear-baiting, Cavendish constructed an identity for the fellows of the Royal Society of London quite unlike that which they imagined for themselves. Recent scholarship has illustrated well how Cavendish's opposition to experimental philosophy is linked to her different natural-philosophical, political and anthropological ideas. My contribution to this literature is to examine the meanings both of bears in early modern England and of microscopes in experimental rhetoric, in order to illustrate the connection that Cavendish implies between the two. She parodied Hooke's idea that his microscope extended his limited human senses, and mocked his aim that by so doing he could produce useful knowledge. The bear-men reflect inhuman ambition and provide a caution against ignoring both the order of English society and the place of humans in nature.
机译:本文研究了玛格丽特·卡文迪许(Margaret Cavendish)在1666年的小说《新世界的描述,被称为炽热的世界》中将实验哲学家描述为熊与人的混合体的特征。通过将实验哲学家,特别是罗伯特·胡克(Robert Hooke)和他的显微镜与她的读者从熊诱运动中所熟悉的动物联系起来,卡文迪许为伦敦皇家学会的同胞们树立了一个身份,这与他们自己想象的完全不同。最近的奖学金很好地说明了卡文迪许对实验哲学的反对是如何与她不同的自然哲学,政治和人类学思想联系在一起的。我对这本文学的贡献是研究了现代英格兰早期的熊的含义以及实验修辞学中的显微镜的含义,以说明卡文迪许暗示两者之间的联系。她嘲笑胡克的想法,即他的显微镜扩大了他有限的人类感官,并嘲笑了他的目标,即这样做可以产生有用的知识。熊人反映了人类的野心,并提请注意不要忽视英国社会的秩序和人类在自然界中的地位。



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