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Process Improvement Change Over to Caustic Lye from Lime for Sulphur Neutralisation


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All sulphur based sulphuric acid plants use elemental sulphur to produce SO2 gas which in subsequent steps is converted to SO3 and then absorbed in cone. H2SO4. Elemental sulphur has about 1000 ppm acidity, which needs to be minimized by neutralization to acceptable levels. As common industrial practice this is achieved by adding Lime Powder to the molten sulphur and filtering out clean sulphur. For a plant capacity of 700MTPD Sulphuric Acid (SA) plant the sulphur sludge generated from melter section will be around 2000kg/day Considering environmental safety, safe disposal of sludge is a challenge in sulphuric acid production plants. There is a cost effective alternative which has not only reduced sludge generation but also improved safety by eliminating problems associated with lime handling. The article describes the newly adopted and stabilised method to neutralize sulphur.
机译:所有以硫为基础的硫酸工厂都使用元素硫来生产SO2气体,然后在后续步骤中将其转化为SO3,然后被吸收成锥形。硫酸元素硫的酸度约为1000 ppm,需要通过中和至可接受的水平使其降至最低。作为通常的工业实践,这是通过将石灰粉添加到熔融硫中并滤出干净的硫来实现的。对于产能为700MTPD的硫酸(SA)装置,熔化器段产生的硫淤泥将约为2000kg /天。考虑到环境安全,污泥的安全处置是硫酸生产厂的一大挑战。存在一种具有成本效益的替代方案,该替代方案不仅减少了污泥的产生,而且还消除了与石灰处理相关的问题,从而提高了安全性。本文介绍了新采用的稳定化的中和硫的方法。



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