首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Biotechnology >Molecular identification and genetic improvement vis-a-vis comparison of yield and quality in different generations of Erianthus arundinaceus, E. bengalense and Saccharum spontaneum cyto-nuclear genome introgressed sugarcane

Molecular identification and genetic improvement vis-a-vis comparison of yield and quality in different generations of Erianthus arundinaceus, E. bengalense and Saccharum spontaneum cyto-nuclear genome introgressed sugarcane


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The cytoplasmic and nuclear genomic diversity in commercially cultivated sugarcane varieties over the world is derived from few basic species clones of Saccharum complex. To impart new cytoplasmic and nuclear genome in sugarcane hybrids, untapped wild species of S. spontaneum (S), Erianthus arundinaceus (E) and E. bengalense (Eb) were utilized to produce E. arundinaceus x S. spontaneum (ES), S. spontaneum x E. arundinaceus (SE) and S. spontaneum x E. benglense (SEb) hybrids (H). These resulting hybrids were repeatedly used as pistil parent and crossed with commercial sugarcane varieties for one (G(1)) to four (G(4)) generations to produce an array of hybrids. Seventy such different generation (G(1), G(2), G(3) & G(4)) derived hybrids were evaluated for juice quality and yield contributing traits at 300 and 360 d after planting during 2010-11 and 2011-12 in augmented block design layout along with standard sugarcane varieties. The presence of E. arundinaceus cytoplasmic DNA was validated in intergeneric hybrids by PCR-RFLP of the amplified chloroplast DNA for psbC-trnS segment. SEH and SEbH category G(1) hybrids were superior over ESH hybrids for juice quality, while G(2) hybrids could not show any difference. ESH G(3) hybrids recorded more than 50% and 90% improvement over ESH G(1) hybrids for juice quality (CCS %, sucrose %, brix %) and single stalk weight (SSW), respectively. Performances of ESH G3 and SEH G(4) hybrids were comparable and some E. arundinaceus cytoplasm introgressed hybrids performed at par with standard sugarcane varieties for yield and quality traits. Further utilization of these near commercial wild genome introgressed hybrids in breeding programme may lead to development of genetically diversified sugarcane varieties.
机译:全世界商业化种植的甘蔗品种的细胞质和核基因组多样性来自蔗糖复合物的几个基本物种克隆。为了在甘蔗杂种中赋予新的细胞质和核基因组,利用未开发的野生自然链球菌(S),赤眼莲(Erianthus arundinaceus)(E)和孟加拉肠球菌(E. bengalense)(Eb)来生产大肠埃希氏菌(E. arundinaceus)x自然链球菌(S. spontaneum)(S)自发性葡萄球菌x arundinaceus(SE)和自发性葡萄球菌x孟加拉肠球菌(SEb)杂种(H)。这些产生的杂种被重复用作雌蕊亲本,并与商业甘蔗品种杂交一代(G(1))至四(G(4))世代,以产生一系列杂种。在2010-11年和2011-2003年种植后的300和360 d评估了70种不同世代(G(1),G(2),G(3)和G(4))的杂种的汁液品质和产量贡献特征12个增强块设计布局以及标准甘蔗品种。通过扩增的叶绿体DNA的psbC-trnS片段的PCR-RFLP,在属间杂种中证实了金合子大肠杆菌胞质DNA的存在。 SEH和SEbH类G(1)杂种的果汁品质优于ESH杂种,而G(2)杂种则没有任何区别。与ESH G(1)杂种相比,ESH G(3)杂种在汁液质量(CCS%,蔗糖%,白利糖度%)和单茎重(SSW)方面分别比ESH G(1)杂种提高了50%和90%以上。 ESH G3和SEH G(4)杂种的表现可比,一些金毛菜胞质渗入的杂种与标准甘蔗品种的产量和品质性状相当。这些近商业化的野生基因组渗入杂种在育种程序中的进一步利用可能导致遗传上多样化的甘蔗品种的发展。



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