首页> 外文期刊>In Vitro Cellular and Development Biology. Plant: Journal of the Tissue Culture Association >Hyoscyamine production in hairy roots of three Datura species exposed to high-salt medium

Hyoscyamine production in hairy roots of three Datura species exposed to high-salt medium


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Several species of the genus Datura have been cultivated for their hyoscyamine content. Hyoscyamine production in field-cultivated plants can often be limited by environmental conditions. The culture of hairy roots obtained by inoculation of Datura explants with the A4 strain of Agrobacterium rhizogenes offers promising prospects for the in vitro production of hyoscyamine. The objectives of this study were to select high-quality hairy root lines and then optimize hyoscyamine production by applying a salt stress. Potassium chloride (KCl) and calcium chloride (CaCl2) were added at various elicitation times, and both had significant effects on hyoscyamine biosynthesis. The optimal concentration of KCl was 2 g L-1, combined with a contact time of 10 h for the selected Datura tatula line (L-DT) and 24 h for the selected Datura stramonium (L-DS) and Datura innoxia (L-DI) lines. For CaCl2, the optimum concentration was 2 g L-1 for L-DS and L-DT, with respective elicitation times of 10 and 24 h. For L-DI, the best result was obtained with a CaCl2 concentration of 1 g L-1 and an elicitation time of 24 h. The highest hyoscyamine levels obtained for L-DS, L-DT, and L-DI were, respectively, 2.32-, 1.99-, and 1.85-fold the control levels with KCl elicitation and 2.08-, 2.07-, and 1.85-fold the control levels with CaCl2 elicitation. The line resulting from D. tatula elicited with 2 g L-1 CaCl2 for 24 h produced the most hyoscyamine content (16.978 mg g(-1) DW), followed by L-DI and then L-DS.
机译:已经培养了几种曼陀罗属植物,它们的硫胺素含量较高。在田间种植的植物中,硫胺素的生产通常会受到环境条件的限制。通过用发根土壤杆菌的A4菌株接种曼陀罗外植体而获得的毛状根的培养物为体外生产hysocyamine提供了有希望的前景。这项研究的目的是选择高质量的毛状根系,然后通过施加盐胁迫来优化hyscycyamine的生产。氯化钾(KCl)和氯化钙(CaCl2)在不同的激发时间加入,两者均对hy丝胺的生物合成具有重要影响。最佳的KCl浓度为2 g L-1,选择的曼陀罗线(L-DT)的接触时间为10 h,选择的曼陀罗(L-DS)和无毒曼陀罗(L-DS)的接触时间为24 h。 DI)行。对于CaCl2,L-DS和L-DT的最佳浓度为2 g L-1,激发时间分别为10和24 h。对于L-DI,CaCl2浓度为1 g L-1,激发时间为24 h,可获得最佳结果。 L-DS,L-DT和L-DI所获得的最高hyscycyamine含量分别是KCl诱导的对照水平的2.32倍,1.99倍和1.85倍,而KCl诱导的则为2.08-,2.07-和1.85倍。 CaCl2诱导控制水平。用2 g L-1 CaCl2诱生的球囊线虫24 h产生的品系产生的丝胺碱含量最高(16.978 mg g(-1)DW),其次是L-DI,然后是L-DS。



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