首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Agricultural Chemistry >Response of PSM and organic manures on effectiveness of bradyrhizobial strains towards nodulation, yield and nitrogen uptake by grain and straw of Mungbean in Varanasi inceptisol

Response of PSM and organic manures on effectiveness of bradyrhizobial strains towards nodulation, yield and nitrogen uptake by grain and straw of Mungbean in Varanasi inceptisol


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A field experiment was conducted during Kharif season of 1997 at Agricultural Research Farm of Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, to study the effectiveness of two strains of Bradyrhizobium sp. (Vigna) (MO 5 andBMI) singly as well as in combination with Pseudomonas striata (PSM), cattle dung manure and activated sludge on mungbean cv. HUM-1. The experimental soil was slightly saline in reaction (pH 7.7 to 7.8), EC (0.24 to 0.27 dSm-l), organic carbon (0.55 percent), total nitrogen (0.043 to 0,045 percent) and available nitrogen (236 to 239 kg/ha). Nitrogen and phosphorus @ 10kg and 20.09 kg/ha, respectively, were applied as basal dressing in each plot. The number of nodules significantly increased by application of BRh. MO 5 + CDM was maximum followed by BRh. MO 5 + Sludge and BRh. MO 5 + PSM over the control (NI). The same trend was found in respect of dry weight of nodules. Grain and straw yields significantly increased due to the application of BRh. MO 5 +sludge followed by BRh. MO 5 + CDM and BRh. BM1 + sludge over the control (NI). BRh. MO 5 + Sludge significantly increased grain as well as straw nitrogen uptake over the control (NI). BRh. MO 5 + Sludge, being the best treatment, caused increase of 16.1 percent and 16.5 percent in the grain and straw yields, respectively, over NI control.
机译:在1997年Kharif季节期间,在瓦拉纳西的Banaras印度大学农业科学研究所的农业研究农场进行了田间试验,以研究两株Bradyrhizobium sp。的有效性。 (Vigna)(MO 5和BMI)单独使用,以及与绿脓杆菌(PSM),牛粪肥和活性污泥结合使用。哼-1实验土壤在反应中的盐分含量较低(pH 7.7至7.8),EC(0.24至0.27 dSm-1),有机碳(0.55%),总氮(0.043至0.045%)和有效氮(236至239 kg / ha )。在每个样地中分别以10kg和20.09kg / ha的氮和磷作为基础肥。通过施用BRh,结节数目显着增加。 MO 5 + CDM最大,其次是BRh。 MO 5 +污泥和BRh。 MO 5 + PSM控制(NI)。在结节干重方面也发现了相同的趋势。由于使用了BRh,谷物和稻草的单产大大提高。 MO 5 +污泥,然后是BRh。 MO 5 + CDM和BRh。 BM1 +污泥超过对照(NI)。啊与对照(NI)相比,MO 5 +污泥显着增加了谷物以及秸秆氮的吸收。啊最好的处理方法是MO 5 +污泥,与NI控制相比,分别导致谷物和秸秆单产分别增加了16.1%和16.5%。



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