首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Ecology >Selection and Breeding of Willows {Salix spp.) for Short Rotation Forestry

Selection and Breeding of Willows {Salix spp.) for Short Rotation Forestry


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The clonal tests of the arborescent willows in Croatia include the autochthonous white wiftow {Salix alba), interracial hybrids of the autochthonous white willow and the English 'cricket' willow (S. alba var. calva), interspecies hybrids (S. matsudanax S. alba), as well as multispecies hybrids of willows. Selection for this purpose is done in natural populations "of white willow, white willow hybrid families, and hybrid families of white willow interspecies hybrids with other species. These are mainly the Chinese willow {Salix alba x S. matsudana) of the F, and F^ generation, as well as backcrosses. Special attention has been paid to the selectioh of the plus variants on the basis of transgression variability. Testing of arborescent willows continued aiming at identification of clones with greatest production potential, particularly on so called marginal sites i.e. abandoned agricultural soils and/or sites that are not suitable for growing more valuable tree secies. Clonal tests were established with clones originated tp white willow (Salix alba) and from different crossing combinations of white willow and Chinese willow (S. matsudarra). In one clonal test, on the heavy clay type of soils, in two-year rotation, mean biomass production of all studied clones (more than 30) was 9.3 t DM ha~(-1) The highest biomass production of white willow (Salix alba) was performed by clones 'B44', 'V093' i 'V052' (17.5, 13.7 and 12.2 t DM ha~(-1) respectively). Above mentioned clones have shown specific adaptedness on tested conditions through survivaland sprouting ability. In other two clonal tests with hybrids of white willow and Chinese willow (more than 50 clones), mean biomass produbtion vary from 10.7 to 28.8 t DM ha~(-1) a~(-1) at the first and second two year rotation period. At one of these experimental plots, with regular agrotechnical treatments, the highest biomass production as well as the best adaptedness and phenotypic stability on testing sites was shown by two clones ('V 374', 'V 461', 25,8 -27,61 DM ha~(-1) a~(-1)) originated from backcross hybrid S. matsudana x (S. matsudana x S. alba) and by one S. alba clone ('V 95', 28,8 t DM ha~(-1) a~(-1)). These results indicated significant potential of Chinese willow for further breeding aimed at biomass production in short rotations.
机译:克罗地亚的乔木柳的克隆试验包括土生白柳(Salix alba),土生白柳和英语'cri'柳的异族杂种(S. alba var。calva),种间杂种(S. matsudanax S. alba),以及柳树的多物种杂交种。为此目的进行的选择是在“白柳,白柳杂种家族以及白柳种间杂种与其他物种的杂种的自然种群中进行的。这些杂种主要是F的中国柳(Salix alba x S. matsudana),以及F ^代以及回交。基于海变变异性,已经特别关注了plus变种的选择。乔木柳的测试继续旨在鉴定具有最大生产潜力的克隆,特别是在所谓的边缘位点,即废弃的农业土壤和/或不适合种植更有价值的树木的场所,对源自tp白柳(Salix alba)以及来自白柳和中国柳的不同杂交组合(S. matsudarra)的克隆进行了克隆测试。一项针对重粘土类型土壤的克隆试验,每两年轮换一次,所有研究克隆(超过30个)的平均生物量产量为9.3 t DM ha 〜(-1)白柳(Salix alba)的最高生物量生产是通过克隆'B44','V093'或'V052'(分别为17.5、13.7和12.2 t DM ha〜(-1))进行的。上述克隆通过存活和发芽能力已经显示出对测试条件的特异性适应性。在另两个白柳和柳树杂种的克隆试验中(超过50个克隆),在第一个和第二个第二年轮作中,平均生物量生产量从10.7到28.8 t DM ha〜(-1)a〜(-1)不等。期。在其中一个试验田中,通过常规农艺处理,两个克隆显示出最高的生物量生产以及在测试部位的最佳适应性和表型稳定性(“ V 374”,“ V 461”,25,8 -27, 61 DM ha〜(-1)a〜(-1))起源于回交杂种沙门氏菌x(S. matsudana x S. alba)和一个沙门氏菌克隆('V 95',28,8 t DM ha〜(-1)a〜(-1))。这些结果表明,中国柳树有潜力在短周期内进一步繁殖以生产生物量。



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