
Keeping Active


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Most company employees face a major turning point in their lives when they reach retirement age. Free from the daily obligation of going to work, how they spend their days is entirely up to them-and some energetic retirees find ways to continue theiractive participation in society.Mayekawa Manufacturing Co., Ltd., is an industrial refrigeration equipment manufacturer based in Tokyo. The company has a personnel system that is rather uncommon in Japan. The company's employment guidelines clearly state that the official retirement age is 60. However, as long as an employee possesses specialized skills and expertise that can be used within the company, he or she is permitted to carry on as a full-time employee regardless of age. Currently, the company has 2,500 employees, 134 of whomare 60 years of age or older (including one female). At 92, Wahei Inoue is the most senior of this group. Even now, he plays an active part every day in the company's research and development as a technology advisor. "I started working at Mayekawa in, let's see...I believe it was the year 1948. It's so long ago, I can hardly remember," laughs. Over his 55-year career at Mayekawa working as an engineer, he has managed to obtain over 400 patents related to the development of refrigeration motors and compressors, making him the company record-holder.
机译:大多数公司员工在达到退休年龄时都会面临人生的重大转折。 Mayekawa Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.是一家总部位于美国的工业制冷设备制造商,它摆脱了日常工作的束缚,完全按照自己的工作方式生活,一些精力充沛的退休人员找到了继续积极参与社会的方法。东京。该公司的人事系统在日本相当罕见。公司的就业指南明确规定,正式退休年龄为60岁。但是,只要员工具备公司内可以使用的专门技能和专门知识,就可以允许他或她继续从事全职员工,无论年龄。目前,该公司拥有2500名员工,其中134岁的年龄在60岁以上(包括一名女性)。 92岁的井上和平(Wahei Inoue)是该类别中最高的。即使是现在,他仍然每天以技术顾问的身份积极参与公司的研发工作。 “我开始在Mayekawa工作,让我们拭目以待……我相信那是1948年。那是很久以前的事,我几乎不记得了,”笑着说。在Mayekawa从事工程师工作的55年职业生涯中,他成功获得了400多项与制冷电机和压缩机开发相关的专利,这使他成为公司的记录保持者。



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