首页> 外文期刊>IJIDeM: International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing >An interactive design approach for nuclear fusion purposes: remote handling system for FAST divertor

An interactive design approach for nuclear fusion purposes: remote handling system for FAST divertor


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The paper deals with the design issues concerning the remote maintenance of divertors in fusion advanced studies torus (FAST), a satellite tokamak acting as a test bed for the study and the develop of innovative technologies oriented to ITER and DEMO programs, pilot examples of the feasibility of energy production from nuclear fusion on the Earth. FAST remote handling (RH) solutions are provided according to an "interactive design review" philosophy based on virtual prototyping techniques. Assuming an ITER configuration as start point, it foresees an iterative process of design review, carried out in virtual reality (VR) environment and oriented to obtain a sort of best solution from the RH point of view. Any iteration includes the analysis of the current solution and the proposal of new and alternative ones, based on the requirements fulfillment and the improvement of critical points highlighted. In such a way, and this is the main novelty introduced by the paper, the interactive design review in a VR collaborative environment becomes the tool able to put in cooperation and in positive competition various and different competences, required by a multidisciplinary problem as the realization of nuclear fusion machine, in order to reach a shared solution. A first preliminary FAST RH solution is hereinafter presented, accompanied by the design of a compatible support system, due to the strict relationship between the divertor maintenance and the support configuration. The work was carried out via the collaboration of the "Divertor Test Platform 2" (DTP2) team, in charge of ITER divertor RH tests and located in VTT's Labs of Tampere (Finland), and the IDEAinVR team of CREATE Consortium, with competence in interactive design and VR simulations and located in the Virtual Reality Lab of University of Naples Federico II (Italy).
机译:该文件涉及以下方面的设计问题:聚变高级研究圆环(FAST)中的偏滤器的远程维护;卫星托卡马克充当试验床,用于研究和开发针对ITER和DEMO计划的创新技术,地球核聚变产生能量的可行性。 FAST远程处理(RH)解决方案是根据基于虚拟原型技术的“交互式设计审查”原则提供的。假设以ITER配置为起点,它预见了在虚拟现实(VR)环境中进行并旨在从RH角度获得最佳解决方案的迭代设计评审过程。任何迭代都将包括对当前解决方案的分析以及对新解决方案和替代解决方案的建议,这些解决方案都基于需求满足和突出重点的改进。通过这种方式,这是本文介绍的主要新颖之处,VR协作环境中的交互式设计评审成为了能够进行协作并在积极竞争中实现多种学科能力所需的各种不同能力的工具。为了达成一个共享的解决方案。由于分流器维护和支架配置之间的严格关系,下文将介绍第一个初步的FAST RH解决方案,并提供兼容的支架系统的设计。该工作是通过“分流器测试平台2”(DTP2)团队(位于ITT偏向器RH测试,位于坦佩雷(芬兰)的VTT实验室)和CREATE财团的IDEAinVR团队的协作下完成的。互动设计和VR模拟,位于那不勒斯大学Federico II(意大利)的虚拟现实实验室中。



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