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Gun parts get automatically


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Gunmaker, Holland & Holland has seen huge benefits since automating the loading of a machining centre, allowing it to run unmanned, overnight and at weekends. There are certain restrictions on the size of equipment that could be easily installed into the West London factory, custom-built in the 1890s, of gunmaker, Holland & Holland. The ceilings are much lower than today's modern engineering factories, so when the company needed to replace two old machining centres size was a vital consideration "We did not want to have to cut into the fabric of the building," said Chris Davies of Holland & Holland. "We were happy when Whitehouse Machine Tools recommended the use of a Brother TC-32B-FT 3-axis mill, which was a good fit, especially as we have restricted entry points to the building."
机译:自从自动完成加工中心的装载以来,Gunmaker,Holland和Holland都看到了巨大的收益,使它可以无人值守,过夜和周末运行。可以轻松安装到1890年代枪械制造商Holland&Holland定制的西伦敦工厂中的设备尺寸受到一定限制。天花板比如今的现代化工程工厂低得多,因此当公司需要更换两个旧的加工中心时,这是一个至关重要的考虑因素:“我们不想削减建筑物的面料,” Holland&的Chris Davies说。荷兰。 “当怀特豪斯机床公司推荐使用Brother TC-32B-FT三轴铣床时,我们感到非常高兴,这非常适合,特别是因为我们限制了建筑物的入口。”



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