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Centring on plant data security


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The move from 'proprietary' to 'open standards' on the plant floor has brought with it increasing concerns for the security of vital plant data. There are many trends which have affected this need for greater security, including an increasing demand across the enterprise for access to information. From e-commerce drivers, to communication with the supply chain and other partners, intellectual property is getting more exposure today, while at the same time being more core to a company's competitive advantage. There has also been much talk of the possibility of 'cyber attack', but in reality the problem is more likely to originate much closer to home and it is important to understand who the 'enemy' is before you can build a suitable defence. An ARC survey conducted in 2002 identified that 25% of manufacturing disruptions are addressable and possibly avoidable. One in 8 was caused by an employee mistake, with another 1 in 8 being deliberate and caused by disgruntled employees, ex-employees or business competitors.
机译:从工厂车间的“专有”到“开放标准”的转变,使得对重要工厂数据的安全性的担忧日益增加。有许多趋势影响了对更高安全性的需求,包括整个企业对信息访问的需求不断增长。从电子商务驱动程序,到与供应链和其他合作伙伴的沟通,知识产权在当今越来越受到关注,而同时又成为公司竞争优势的核心。关于“网络攻击”的可能性也有很多讨论,但实际上,这个问题更可能起源于离家更近的地方,在建立合适的防御之前,了解“敌人”是谁很重要。 ARC在2002年进行的一项调查发现,制造中断的25%是可以解决的,而且是可以避免的。八分之一的原因是员工错误,八分之一的原因是故意的,是由不满的员工,前雇员或商业竞争者造成的。



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