首页> 外文期刊>Annual Review of Phytopathology >Comparative genomics reveals what makes an enterobacterial plant pathogen.

Comparative genomics reveals what makes an enterobacterial plant pathogen.


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The bacterial family Enterobacteriaceae contains some of the most devastating human and animal pathogens, including Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica and species of Yersinia and Shigella. These are among the best-studied of any organisms, yet there is much to be learned about the nature and evolution of interactions with their hosts and with the wider environment. Comparative and functional genomics have fundamentally improved our understanding of their modes of adaptation to different ecological niches and the genes that determine their pathogenicity. In addition to animal pathogens, Enterobacteriaceae include important plant pathogens, such as Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica (Eca), the first plant-pathogenic enterobacterium to be sequenced (20). This review focuses on genomic comparisons between Eca and other enterobacteria, with particular emphasis on the differences that exemplify or explain the plant-associated lifestyle(s) of Eca. Horizontal gene transfer in Eca may directly have led to the acquisition of a number of determinants that mediate its interactions, pathogenic or otherwise, with plants, offering a glimpse into its evolutionary divergence from animal-pathogenic enterobacteria..
机译:肠杆菌科细菌家族包含一些最具破坏性的人类和动物病原体,包括大肠杆菌,肠沙门氏菌以及耶尔森氏菌和志贺氏菌。这些是所有生物中研究最深入的一种,然而,关于与它们的宿主以及与更广泛的环境相互作用的性质和演变,还有很多事情要学。比较基因组学和功能基因组学从根本上提高了我们对它们适应不同生态位和决定其致病性基因的理解。除动物病原体外,肠杆菌科还包括重要的植物病原体,例如胡萝卜欧文氏菌亚种。 atroseptica(Eca),第一个被测序的植物致病性肠杆菌(20)。这篇综述着重于Eca与其他肠杆菌的基因组比较,特别着重于举例说明或解释Eca植物相关生活方式的差异。 Eca中的水平基因转移可能直接导致了许多决定因素的获得,这些决定因素介导了其与植物之间的相互作用(无论是病原性还是其他致病性),可以一窥其与动物病原性肠细菌的进化差异。



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