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Subclinical circulation of avian hepatitis E virus within a multiple-age rearing and broiler breeder farm indicates persistence and vertical transmission of the virus


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In a prospective longitudinal study, a broiler breeder flock and its progeny were monitored for the presence of avian hepatitis E virus (REV) RNA and antibodies. The flock was part of a multiple-age farm where the presence of avian HEY with clinical signs (increased mortality and decreased egg production) was demonstrated in several previous production cycles. Samples were taken twice at the rearing site and several times at the production site from broiler breeders including cockerels and day-old chicks. The samples were investigated by conventional and real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and histological methods. At all time points, samples from the hens were positive for avian HEY RNA. The birds did not show any clinical signs, even though histopathological lesions of non-specific aetiology in the liver and spleen could be demonstrated. A significant increase in the number of positive birds and viral load was seen in week 45, in accordance with an increase in antibody titres. In comparison, cockerels investigated in week 62 tested negative by RT-PCR and ELISA. Avian REV RNA was also detected in day-old chicks hatched from eggs laid in week 25, indicating vertical transmission. All partial helicase and capsid sequences retrieved within this study clustered together and were identical to previous sequences obtained from the same multiple-age farm. In conclusion, avian HEY persisted on the farm over years and circulated between the rearing and the production sites without causing any clinical signs although high viral loads in the adult hens were observed
机译:在一项前瞻性纵向研究中,对肉鸡种鸡群及其后代进行了监视,以检测是否存在禽戊型肝炎病毒(REV)RNA和抗体。该羊群是一个多年龄农场的一部分,该农场在先前的几个生产周期中都出现了带有临床体征(死亡率增加和产蛋量减少)的禽类HEY。从饲养场所(包括公鸡和日龄雏鸡)在饲养场所取样两次,在生产场所取样几次。通过常规和实时逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR),酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)和组织学方法对样品进行了研究。在所有时间点,来自母鸡的样品的禽类HEY RNA均为阳性。尽管可以证明肝脏和脾脏的非特异性病因的组织病理学损害,但这些鸟类没有任何临床体征。在第45周,随着抗体滴度的增加,阳性鸡的数量和病毒载量显着增加。相比之下,第62周调查的公鸡通过RT-PCR和ELISA检测为阴性。在第25周产下的卵中孵出的日龄雏鸡中也检测到了禽REV RNA,表明垂直传播。在这项研究中检索到的所有部分解旋酶和衣壳序列聚在一起,并且与从同一多年龄农场获得的先前序列相同。总之,尽管在成年母鸡中观察到很高的病毒载量,禽类HEY仍在农场中存在多年,并在饲养和生产场所之间循环,没有引起任何临床体征。



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