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A stem lineage representative of buttonquails from the Lower Oligocene of Germany - fossil evidence for a charadriiform origin of the Turnicidae


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A new species of the charadriiform taxon Turnipax Mayr, 2000 is described from the Lower Oligocene fossil site Frauenweiler in southern Germany. The postcranial skeleton assigned to Turnipax oechslerorum sp. nov. is very well preserved and allows the recognition of significant, previously unknown osteological details of Turnipax, especially concerning the wing and pectoral girdle bones. We provide evidence that Turnipax is a stem lineage representative of the Turnicidae (buttonquails) and synonymize Turnipacidae Mayr, 2000 with Turnicidae Gray, 1840. Turnipax is the earliest fossil representative of the Turnicidae, which otherwise have no Paleogene fossil record. Because recent molecular studies support a charadriiform origin of buttonquails, the mosaic distribution in the skeleton of Turnipax of derived features of the Turnicidae and non-turnicid charadriiform birds is of particular interest. Turnipax exhibits a more plesiomorphic morphology than extant Turnicidae, and we assume that its habitat and way of living differed from that of crown group Turnicidae, which may not have diversified before the spread of grasslands during the Oligocene and Miocene.
机译:在德国南部的下渐新世化石遗址Frauenweiler上,描述了一种新的性状分类单元Turnipax Mayr,2000。后颅骨分配给Turnipax oechslerorum sp。十一月它的保存非常完好,可以识别出Turnipax重要的,以前未知的骨学细节,尤其是关于翼和胸带的骨骼。我们提供的证据表明,芜菁科是芜菁科(纽扣)的茎系代表,并且将芜菁科Mayr(2000年)与Turnicidae Gray(1840年)同义。芜菁科是芜菁科的最早化石代表,否则没有古近纪化石记录。由于最近的分子研究支持钮扣鹌鹑的charadriiform起源,因此特别关注Turnicaxe和非turnicid charadriiform鸟类衍生特征在Turnipax骨架中的镶嵌分布。 Turnipax比现存的Turnicidae表现出更准的形态,我们假设其栖息地和生活方式与冠群Turnicidae不同,后者在渐新世和中新世之前没有在草原扩散之前就已经多样化。



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