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Avian distribution in treefall gaps and understorey of terra firme forest in the lowland Amazon.


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We compared the bird distributions in the understorey of treefall gaps and sites with intact canopy in Amazonian terra firme forest in Brazil. We compiled 2216 mist-net captures (116 species) in 32 gap and 32 forest sites over 22.3 months. Gap habitats differed from forest habitats in having higher capture rates, total captures, species richness and diversity. Seventeen species showed a significantly different distribution of captures between the two habitats (13 higher in gap and four higher in forest). Gap habitats had higher capture rates for nectarivores, frugivores and insectivores. Among insectivores, capture rates for solitary insectivores and army ant followers did not differ between the two habitats. In contrast, capture rates were higher in gaps for members of mixed-species insectivore flocks and mixed-species insectivore-frugivore flocks. Insectivores, especially members of mixed-species flocks, were the predominant species in gap habitats, where frugivores and nectarivores were relatively uncommon. Although few canopy species were captured in gap or forest habitats, visitors from forest mid-storey constituted 42% of the gap specialist species (0% forest) and 46% of rare gap species (38% forest). Insectivore, and total, captures increased over time, but did so more rapidly in gap than in forest habitats, possibly as a response to gap succession. However, an influx of birds displaced by nearby timber harvest also may have caused these increases. Avian gap-use in Amazonian terra firme forests differs from gap-use elsewhere, partly because of differences in forest characteristics such as stature and soil fertility, indicating that the avian response to gaps is context dependent.
机译:我们比较了巴西亚马逊河硬地林中树梢间隙和具有完整冠层的林下层的鸟类分布。我们在22.3个月的时间里,在32个林隙和32个森林地点收集了2216个薄雾网捕获物(116种)。缺口生境与森林生境的不同之处在于它们具有更高的捕获率,总捕获量,物种丰富度和多样性。 17个物种在两个生境之间的捕获物分布存在显着差异(差距增加13个,森林增加4个)。间隙生境对油桃,节食动物和食虫动物的捕获率较高。在食虫动物中,两个生境之间的食虫动物和陆军蚂蚁追随者的捕获率没有差异。相比之下,混合物种食虫动物群和混合物种食虫动物-食肉动物群成员的缺口捕获率更高。食虫动物,特别是混种羊群的成员,是间隙生境中的主要物种,在这些生境中节食动物和油桃相对较少见。尽管在间隙或森林栖息地中捕获的树冠物种很少,但来自森林中层的游客占间隙专业物种的42%(0%森林)和稀有间隙物种的46%(38%森林)。食虫的捕获量和总的捕获量随着时间的推移而增加,但与森林生境相比,间隙中的捕获速度更快,这可能是对间隙演替的反应。但是,由于附近的木材砍伐而迁徙的鸟类大量涌入也可能造成了这些数量的增加。亚马逊硬地林中鸟类间隙的使用与其他地方的间隙使用不同,部分原因是森林特征(例如身高和土壤肥力)的差异,表明鸟类对间隙的反应取决于环境。



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