首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric and oceanic optics >Investigation of the Vertical Distribution of TroposphericAerosol Layers from Multifrequency Laser Sensing Data.Part 2: The Vertical Distribution of Optical Aerosol Characteristicsin the Visible Region

Investigation of the Vertical Distribution of TroposphericAerosol Layers from Multifrequency Laser Sensing Data.Part 2: The Vertical Distribution of Optical Aerosol Characteristicsin the Visible Region


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Regular lidar measurements of the vertical aerosol distribution were conducted in Tomsk (56° N, 85° E) from March 2006 to October 2007 as part of the CISLINET (CIS Lidar Network) project. The statis-tical analysis of the profiles of the aerosol backscattering coefficients β_a (532 nm), extinction coefficients σ_a (532 nm), and lidar ratio S_a (532 nm) from the data of nocturnal measurements by Raman lidar (532 and 607 nm) in the altitude range from 0.45 to 7 km is presented. According to these measurements, the mean height of the top boundary of the boundary layer (BL) is 1.22 km for the cold period of observations (from October to March) and 2.3 km for the warm period (from April to September). The mean value of σ_a (532 nm) for the cold period of observations in the BL is 0.025 km~(-1), which is more than two times lower than the mean value of 0.061 km~(-1) for the warm observation period. The mean value of S_a (532 nm) in the BL is independent of the observation season and is equal to 52 sr. Above the BL, in the free troposphere (FT), the coefficients β_a (532 nm) and β_a (532 nm) are proportional to the molecular scattering coefficient. The mean value of σ_a (532 nm) is 0.0083 km~(-1) for the cold period and 0.011 km~(-1) for the warm period. The lidar ratio in the FT is 43.5 sr in the cold period. This value is nearly 10 sr lower than the mean lidar ratio for the warm period (52.8 sr).
机译:作为CISLINET(CIS激光雷达网络)项目的一部分,从2006年3月至2007年10月,在托木斯克(北纬56°,东经85°)对垂直气溶胶分布进行了定期激光雷达测量。从拉曼激光雷达的夜间测量数据(532和607 nm)对气溶胶反向散射系数β_a(532 nm),消光系数σ_a(532 nm)和激光雷达比S_a(532 nm)的分布进行统计分析给出了从0.45到7 km的高度范围。根据这些测量,边界层(BL)的最高边界的平均高度在寒冷时期(10月至3月)为1.22 km,在温暖时期(4月至9月)为2.3 km。 BL的冷观测期σ_a(532 nm)的平均值为0.025 km〜(-1),比热观测的平均值0.061 km〜(-1)低两倍以上期。 BL中S_a(532 nm)的平均值与观测季节无关,等于52 sr。在BL上方,在自由对流层(FT)中,系数β_a(532 nm)和β_a(532 nm)与分子散射系数成比例。 σ_a(532 nm)的平均值在寒冷时期为0.0083 km〜(-1),在温暖时期为0.011 km〜(-1)。在寒冷时期,FT的激光雷达比率为43.5 sr。该值比温暖期的平均激光雷达比(52.8 sr)低近10 sr。



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