首页> 外文期刊>Assam Review and Tea News >Indians in Russia : Why Do Ambitious Indian Aerospace Engineers Choose Moscow Aviation Institute ? A LOOK AT WHAT MAKES MOSCOW AVIATION INSTITUTE A LEADING ENGINEERING SCHOOL IN THE REGION

Indians in Russia : Why Do Ambitious Indian Aerospace Engineers Choose Moscow Aviation Institute ? A LOOK AT WHAT MAKES MOSCOW AVIATION INSTITUTE A LEADING ENGINEERING SCHOOL IN THE REGION


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“Doing masters in a foreign country is always challenging because there is a lot of change. However, it’s definitely worth it and Moscow is a wonderful destination for such an experience.” — Aamer Sheriff For several decades, Russian scientists had been proving to be world pioneers in aerospace engineering, yet the international cooperation with foreign research institutes and industrial companies was highly restricted. As the so-called ‘iron curtain’ fell in the early 1990s, with a blink of aneye, an undreamed of chance to learn the approaches of the Russian engineers appeared. The Russian engineering schools with rich and unique scientific background started gradually opening their doors for the global community of the aerospace industry and academia. Since then, the Russian approaches in research and education initially built on the Soviet traditions have been modernized, making Russian technical education even more attractive for international students and researchers.
机译:“在国外做硕士总是具有挑战性的,因为有很多变化。然而,这绝对是值得的,莫斯科是这种体验的绝佳目的地。 几十年来,俄罗斯科学家一直被证明是航空航天工程的世界先驱,但与外国研究机构和工业公司的国际合作受到高度限制。随着所谓的“铁幕”在1990年代初落下,一眨眼的功夫,一个做梦也想不到的机会出现了,可以学习俄罗斯工程师的方法。具有丰富而独特的科学背景的俄罗斯工程学院开始逐渐向全球航空航天工业和学术界敞开大门。从那时起,最初建立在苏联传统基础上的俄罗斯研究和教育方法已经现代化,使俄罗斯技术教育对国际学生和研究人员更具吸引力。




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