首页> 外文期刊>Biocontrol Science >Enhanced antifungal effect of the selective medium for the detection of Legionella species by a combination of cycloheximide, amphotericin B and thiabendazole

Enhanced antifungal effect of the selective medium for the detection of Legionella species by a combination of cycloheximide, amphotericin B and thiabendazole


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The accurate detection of Legionella from environmental water samples using conventional plate culture methods is often made difficult by the overgrowth of non-target microorganisms on the selective agar plates. Acid pretreatment is a very effective pretreatment to decrease the overgrowth of heterotrophic bacteria. However, acid pretreatment would not be expected to eliminate molds. We evaluated the effects of four kinds of antifungal agents, individually and in combination, on the growth of Legionella strains and molds. Consequently, it was demonstrated that the combination of cycloheximide, amphotericin B and thiabendazole was very effective in eliminating molds on agar plates, and resulted in the improved detection of Legionella. Examination of 214 cooling tower water samples using the enhanced antifungal selective medium (CAT alpha) instead of GVPC alpha selective medium demonstrated a decrease in contamination by molds from 13.6% to 1.9% without affecting the growth of Legionella.
机译:由于选择性琼脂平板上非目标微生物的过度生长,使用常规平板培养方法从环境水样中准确检测军团菌常常变得困难。酸预处理是一种非常有效的预处理,可以减少异养细菌的过度生长。但是,酸预处理不会消除霉菌。我们评估了四种抗真菌剂(单独和组合使用)对军团菌菌株和霉菌生长的影响。因此,证明了环己酰亚胺,两性霉素B和噻菌灵的组合在消除琼脂平板上的霉菌方面非常有效,并导致了军团菌的检测得到改善。使用增强型抗真菌选择性培养基(CAT alpha)代替GVPC alpha选择性培养基对214个冷却塔水样进行的检查表明,霉菌污染从13.6%降低到1.9%,而没有影响军团菌的生长。



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