首页> 外文期刊>IEE proceedings, Part K. Vision, image and signal processing >Exploiting non-Gaussianity in blind identification and equalisation of MIMO FIR channels

Exploiting non-Gaussianity in blind identification and equalisation of MIMO FIR channels

机译:在MIMO FIR信道的盲识别和均衡中利用非高斯性

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The problem of blind identification and equalisation (BIE) of finite impulse response (FIR) channels in multiuser digital communications is investigated. The non-Gaussian nature and statistical independence of the users' data streams is exploited by resorting to blind signal separation (BSS) based on higher-order statistics (HOS). Two such techniques are put forward. The first technique is composed of an extension to the multiuser case of a second-order BIE method, followed by a BSS-based space-equalisation step. The second technique achieves joint space-time equalisation through the direct application of a HOS-based BSS method followed by a blind identification algorithm. In a number of numerical experiments, the first procedure proves less costly and more effective for short data records. Despite their computational complexity, interesting features such as constellation-independent channel identification and symbol recovery, and robustness to ill-conditioned channels in high SNR environments render HOS-BSS based BIE methods an effective alternative to BIE techniques exploiting other spatio-temporal structures.



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