首页> 外文期刊>Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters >Polypterus teugelsi, a new species of bichir from the Upper Cross River system in Cameroon(Actinopterygii: Cladistia: Polypteridae)

Polypterus teugelsi, a new species of bichir from the Upper Cross River system in Cameroon(Actinopterygii: Cladistia: Polypteridae)

机译:Polypterus teugelsi,一种来自喀麦隆上克罗斯河系的比比牛的新物种(Actinopterygii:Cladistia:Polypteridae)

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Polypterus teugelsi, new species, is described from the Upper Cross River system in Cameroon. It differs from all other species in the genus by its unique live coloration comprising a network of irregular black marks on the dorsum, and the median andpelvic fins, an orange belly, and jetblack pectoral fins It is further distinguished from species of the Polypterus bichir group (P. bichir, P. ansorgii, P. endlicheri) by having the dorsal finlets not extending anteriorly to the vertical through the rear of the pectoral fin (vs. extending to that point), 28-33 predorsal scales (vs. 11-16), 7-9 dorsal finlets (vs. 11-18), and 37-40 scales around the body (vs. 42-52), It differs from all remaining Polypterus species, except P. ornatipinnis, in the high number of 63-65 scales in the lateral line (vs. 51-61), but is distinguished from the latter in having 7-9 dorsal finlets (vs., 9-11), 28-33 predorsal scales (vs. 22-27), and 37-40 scales around the body (vs. 40-42).
机译:喀麦隆的Upper Cross River系统描述了新物种Polypterus teugelsi。它不同于该属中的所有其他物种,其独特的活体着色包括在背侧,中部和骨盆鳍,橙腹和水生黑的胸鳍上有不规则的黑色标记的网络。 (P. bichir,P. ansorgii,P. endlicheri),使背鳍不向前延伸至垂直穿过胸鳍的后部(相对于延伸至该点),背鳍比例为28-33(比11- 16),7-9背鳍(vs. 11-18)和围绕身体的37-40鳞片(vs. 42-52),它与所有其余的Polypterus物种不同,除了P. ornatipinnis以外,侧线的鳞片为63-65(vs. 51-61),但与后者的区别在于背鳍有7-9的背鳍(vs.为9-11),背侧鳞片为28-33(vs. 22-27)。 ,以及围绕身体的37-40比例(相对于40-42)。



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