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The tropical circulation in the Australian/Asian region - November 2007 to April 2008


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A summary of the broadscale tropical circulation from 70 degrees E to 180, for the six months from November 2007. to April 2008, is presented. A mature La Nina state of ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) prevailed early in the season, weakening towards the end of the season. The SST (sea-surface temperature) cool tongue pattern in the near equatorial far eastern Pacific near the South American coast extended west, past the date-line. The warmest waters in the equatorial Pacific remained close to their climatological location in the northwestern Pacific. The SOI (Southern Oscillation Index) remained positive throughout the season with a record high of +21 in February. Onset of the Australian monsoon over northern Australia occurred around 27 December 2007, close to the climatology. The signal of the MJO (Madden-Julian Oscillation) showed a regular periodicity of around 40-45 days during most of the season. A total of 23 tropical cyclones, close to the long-term average, developed in the RSMC area during the period.
机译:总结了从2007年11月到2008年4月这6个月中从70度到180度的广泛热带环流。 ENSO(厄尔尼诺南部涛动)成熟的拉尼娜州在本季度初盛行,到本季度末减弱。位于赤道远东太平洋,南美海岸附近的海表温度(SST)凉爽舌型向西延伸,超过了日期线。赤道太平洋最温暖的水域仍然接近西北太平洋的气候位置。 SOI(南方涛动指数)在整个季节中均保持正增长,2月创下了+21的历史新高。澳大利亚北部的澳大利亚季风爆发发生在2007年12月27日左右,接近气候。 MJO(麦登-朱利安涛动)信号在整个季节的大部分时间都有大约40-45天的周期性。在此期间,RSMC地区共形成了23个热带气旋,接近长期平均水平。



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