首页> 外文期刊>Ichnos: an international journal for plant and animal traces >Theropod Dinosaur Ichnogenus Hispanosauropus Identified from the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic), Western North America

Theropod Dinosaur Ichnogenus Hispanosauropus Identified from the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic), Western North America

机译:从北美西部的莫里森组(侏罗纪上缘)鉴定出的兽脚亚目棘爪龙Ichnogenus Hispanosauropus

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Redescription of a trackway from the Salt Wash Member of the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) in eastern Utah and comparisons with other tracks known from the Jurassic and Cretaceous of the region and the Late Jurassic globally indicate that the large theropod ichnogenus Hispanosauropus Mensink and Mertmann, 1984, previously known only from Europe, occurs also in the Morrison Formation. Hispanosauropus is distinct from Megalosauripus and most likely was made by an allosauroid theropod, although the possibility that it was made by a spinosauroid (torvosaurid) or a ceratosauroid cannot be ruled out. Close geographic and stratigraphic association of Hispanosauropus with the large theropod body fossil taxa Allosaurus, Torvosaurus, and Ceratosaurus in both North America and the Iberian Peninsula strengthens the case for the track's having been made by one of these genera. Megalosauripus appears to dominate large theropod track samples from the Entrada Sandstone through the base of the Morrison Formation (Tidwell Member); Hispanosauropus and similar tracks are most common in the Salt Wash Member and its equivalents, suggesting taxonomic turnover in the large theropod faunas during the early part of Morrison Formation deposition.
机译:重新定义了犹他州东部莫里森组(侏罗纪上层)盐洗段的一条轨道,并与该地区的侏罗纪和白垩纪以及全球侏罗纪末段的其他轨道进行了比较,结果表明,大型兽脚类鱼类纲鱼纲Hispanosauropus Mensink和Mertmann, 1984年(以前仅从欧洲开始知道)也发生在莫里森组中。西班牙龙不同于大头龙,很可能是由异龙类兽脚类动物制成的,尽管不能排除它是由龙龙或类龙的动物制成的。在北美和伊比利亚半岛上,西班牙龙与大型兽脚类化石类异体龙,甲龙和角鼻龙之间的地理和地层联系紧密,从而加强了该属之一的确证。 Megalosauripus似乎主导着从Entrada砂岩到Morrison组底部的大型兽脚类径迹样本(Tidwell成员)。西班牙龙类和类似的道在盐洗成员及其等价物中最常见,这表明在莫里森组沉积早期,大型兽脚类动物的分类学转换。



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