首页> 外文期刊>Ichnos: an international journal for plant and animal traces >Utility of Geochemical Analysis of Trace Fossils: Case Studies Using Phycosiphon incertum from the Lower Jurassic Shallow-Marine (Higashinagano Formation, Southwest Japan) and Pliocene Deep-Marine Deposits (Shiramazu Formation, Central Japan)

Utility of Geochemical Analysis of Trace Fossils: Case Studies Using Phycosiphon incertum from the Lower Jurassic Shallow-Marine (Higashinagano Formation, Southwest Japan) and Pliocene Deep-Marine Deposits (Shiramazu Formation, Central Japan)


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Elemental and mineralogical analyses of Phycosiphon incertum from the Lower Jurassic Higashinagano Formation and Pliocene Shiramazu Formation revealed that the core and mantle have significantly different compositions; theAl_2O_3/SiO_2 ratio, a general proxy for phyllosilicates to tectosilicates, showed a significantly (P < 0.01) higher value in the core than in the mantle. The obtained data strongly suggest that clay minerals are certainly concentrated in the core while coarse grains (i.e., quartz, feldspar) are enriched in the mantle. This is in agreement with the commonly believed interpretation of the Phycosiphon-producer; namely, it selectively ingested and excreted the clay-sized sediment grains and sorted out coarse grains. Difference in the degree of particle selectionwas also recognized; the tracemaker of theHigashinagano P. incertum showed greater degree of selectivity. This may be due to the differences in optimal foraging deposit-feeding activities affected by clay mineralogy of the host sediments, or inmechanistic consequences of particle selection induced by organic matter content, or in the number of other ichnotaxa recognized from each formation.
机译:下侏罗统Higashinagano组和上新世Shiramazu组的不育余辉的元素和矿物学分析表明,岩心和地幔的成分明显不同。 Al_2O_3 / SiO_2比值是层状硅酸盐与层状硅酸盐的一般替代物,其核心值显着高于地幔值(P <0.01)。所获得的数据强烈表明粘土矿物肯定集中在岩心中,而粗粒(即石英,长石)则富含地幔。这与通常认为的苯丙酮尿​​生产者的解释是一致的。也就是说,它有选择地摄取并排泄了粘土大小的沉积物颗粒,并挑选出了粗颗粒。还认识到颗粒选择程度的差异。 Higashinagano incertum的示踪剂显示出更高的选择性。这可能是由于受主体沉积物的粘土矿物学影响的最佳觅食性饲喂活动的差异,或者是由于有机物含量引起的颗粒选择的机械性结果差异,或者是由于每个地层中识别出的其他鱼鳞生物的数量。



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