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Optimal allocation of agricultural water resources in Yanghe watershed considering blue water to green water ratio


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Abstract BACKGROUND Yanghe Watershed has low annual rainfall, uneven spatial and temporal distribution, extreme shortage of water resources in some areas. The contradiction between supply and demand of water for agricultural production is prominent and the expected production value cannot be achieved. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the supply and demand of agricultural water resources and the impact of green water on agricultural crops in Yanghe Watershed. RESULTS This article proposes a new crop economic model for increasing the green‐water footprint to blue‐water footprint ratio (GWF:BWF) in accordance with the regional characteristics, alleviating agricultural water shortage in irrigation areas, optimizing water resource allocation, and achieving sustainable agricultural development. The proposition is based on a study of five crops in eight districts and counties in the Yanghe River watershed. By combining the economic model F with a crop water production function, we achieved 89.3, 88.9, 97.1, 81.5, and 87.0 of the optimal water demands of the five crops, respectively, and effectively improved the underground irrigation of crops and the water resource utilization efficiency. CONCLUSION The GWF:BWF threshold interval was subsequently selected based on the temporal changes in the BWF and GWF in the study area. This enabled significant reduction of the planting area of blue‐water crops and increase in the proportion of green‐water crops, while also improving the agricultural economy of the Yanghe Watershed. The proposed model promises to afford enhanced management of agricultural irrigation areas that experience rainfall shortage. © 2023 The Authors. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.
机译:摘要 背景 洋河流域年降雨量少,时空分布不均,部分地区水资源极度匮乏。农业生产用水供需矛盾突出,无法实现预期产值。因此,有必要调查洋河流域农业水资源的供求状况以及绿水对农作物的影响。结果 根据区域特点,提出提高绿水足迹与蓝水足迹比值(GWF:BWF)的作物经济新模式,缓解灌区农业用水短缺问题,优化水资源配置,实现农业可持续发展。该命题基于对洋河流域八个区县的五种作物的研究。将经济模型F与作物产水函数相结合,分别实现了5种作物89.3%、88.9%、97.1%、81.5%和87.0%的最优需水量,有效提高了作物地下灌溉和水资源利用效率。结论 根据研究区BWF和GWF的时间变化,选择GWF:BWF阈值区间。这大大减少了蓝水作物的种植面积,提高了绿水作物的比例,同时也改善了洋河流域的农业经济。拟议的模式有望加强对降雨不足的农业灌溉区的管理。© 2023 作者。《食品和农业科学杂志》(Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture)由John Wiley & Sons Ltd代表化学工业协会出版。




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