首页> 外文期刊>Asian journal of research in chemistry >Heat Induced Synthesis of Amino Acids from Reaction System Comprised of Acetylene, Ammonia and Water Vapour in Presence and Absence of Metal Oxides (Silica and alumina) under Wetting-Drying Conditions of Primitive Earth

Heat Induced Synthesis of Amino Acids from Reaction System Comprised of Acetylene, Ammonia and Water Vapour in Presence and Absence of Metal Oxides (Silica and alumina) under Wetting-Drying Conditions of Primitive Earth


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It is widely accepted that the origin of life processes began with the formation of important biomonomers from simple molecules present in the prebiotic environment That the earth had a reducing atmosphere in its early stages was proposed by Oparin and his arguments being extended by Bemal and Urey. It has been accepted that the reducing primordial earth atmosphere consisted of hydrides of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. The earth wrapped in a heavy blanket of all these hydrides was continuously acted upon by various available energy sources. Metal carbides and nitriles might have afforded hydrocarbons and ammonia respectively on reacting with water. Thus the primordial atmosphere of the earth mainly comprised of CH4, CH3, H2 and H2O as well as H2S.



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