首页> 外文期刊>Annals of science >Brokering Instruments in Napoleon's Europe: The Italian Journeys of Franz Xaver von Zach (1807-1814)

Brokering Instruments in Napoleon's Europe: The Italian Journeys of Franz Xaver von Zach (1807-1814)

机译:拿破仑的欧洲经纪工具:弗朗兹·萨维尔·冯·扎克(Franz Xaver von Zach)的意大利之旅(1807-1814)

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This paper explores the interactions between scientific travel, politics, instrument making and the epistemology of scientific instruments in Napoleon's Europe. In the early 1800s, the German astronomer Franz Xaver von Zach toured Italy and Southern France with instruments made by G. Reichenbach in his newlyestablished Bavarian workshop. I argue that von Zach acted as a broker for German technology and science and that travel, personal contacts and direct demonstrations were crucial in establishing Reichenbach's reputation and in conquering new markets. The rise of German instrument making highlights the complexity of the scientific relationship between the centre and the peripheries in Napoleon's empire, and reveals the existence of diverging views on the role of instruments and of their makers. In von Zach's view, Reichenbach's instruments could not penetrate the French market because Parisian astronomers focused on mathematical astronomy and, for both political and epistemological reasons, dismissed instruments and material innovations from the peripheries. The German astronomer and his Italian colleagues, on the contrary, regarded Reichenbach's technical achievements as outstanding contributions to astronomy, and considered the political and cultural hegemony of the capital as a hindrance to the advancement of science.
机译:本文探讨了拿破仑欧洲的科学旅行,政治,仪器制造与科学仪器认识论之间的相互作用。 1800年代初期,德国天文学家弗朗兹·萨弗·冯·扎克(Franz Xaver von Zach)在其新成立的巴伐利亚工作室中使用了G.赖兴巴赫(G. Reichenbach)制造的乐器游览了意大利和法国南部。我认为冯·扎克(von Zach)曾担任德国技术和科学的经纪人,而旅行,个人交往和直接示威对于建立赖兴巴赫的声誉和征服新市场至关重要。德国乐器制造的兴起凸显了拿破仑帝国中中心与外围之间科学关系的复杂性,并揭示了对于乐器及其制造者的作用存在分歧。冯·扎克(von Zach)认为,赖兴巴赫的仪器无法渗透到法国市场,因为巴黎的天文学家专注于数学天文学,并且出于政治和认识论的原因,他们拒绝了周围的仪器和材料创新。相反,德国天文学家和他的意大利同事认为赖兴巴赫的技术成就是对天文学的杰出贡献,并认为首都的政治和文化霸权是阻碍科学发展的障碍。



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