首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Plastic Surgery >The Modified Girdlestone Procedure With Muscle Flap for Management of Pressure Ulcers and Heterotopic Ossification of the Hip Region in Spinal Injury Patients A 15-Year Review With Long-term Follow-up

The Modified Girdlestone Procedure With Muscle Flap for Management of Pressure Ulcers and Heterotopic Ossification of the Hip Region in Spinal Injury Patients A 15-Year Review With Long-term Follow-up


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Background: Pressure ulceration, pyogenic arthritis, and hip heterotopic ossification are complications encountered in spinal cord injury patients. The Girdlestone procedure has been established as an effective treatment modality for hip pathology in this population and is particularly efficacious when a muscle flap is used to fill the femoral resection defect. We previously reported its use as a 3-stage procedure. Through time, experience was gained, and consequently, our technique has evolved to a 1-stage procedure.
机译:背景:压疮,化脓性关节炎和髋部异位骨化是脊髓损伤患者遇到的并发症。 Girdlestone手术已被确立为该人群髋部病理学的一种有效治疗方式,当使用肌肉皮瓣填充股骨切除缺损时,该方法特别有效。我们之前曾报道过将其用作3阶段程序。随着时间的流逝,积累了经验,因此,我们的技术已演变为一个1阶段的过​​程。



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