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An exploration of pain-related vocabulary: implications for AAC use with children


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Children with significant communication difficulties who experience pain need appropriate means to communicate their pain in order to receive appropriate treatment. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) strategies could be used to enable children to self-report pain. The aim of this research study was to identify the common vocabulary children with typical development use to describe physical pain experiences and develop and socially validate an appropriate pain-related vocabulary list for children who use or could benefit from using AAC. A sequential, exploratory, mixed method design was employed. This paper focuses on the quantitative phase. A set of scenarios was developed to gather pain-related vocabulary appropriate for children aged 6;0-7;11 (years;months) and children aged 8;0-9;11, from 74 children, 61 parents, and 56 teachers. Some 629 pain-related words or phrases were suggested and then classified into seven categories. A composite list of the 84 most frequently occurring pain-related vocabulary items was compiled and socially validated by three adults who used AAC. They emphasized the need to individualize vocabulary and provided suggestions for vocabulary organization for display on any type of AAC system. Despite similarities in the categories of words offered by the various respondent groups, the differences underscore the importance of more than one perspective (particularly that of children and adults) in generating a comprehensive vocabulary list.
机译:患有严重沟通障碍的儿童,如果遭受痛苦,则需要采取适当的手段来传达痛苦,以便接受适当的治疗。增强和替代沟通(AAC)策略可用于使儿童自我报告疼痛。这项研究的目的是确定具有典型发展用途的常见词汇儿童,以描述身体上的疼痛经历,并为使用或可能受益于AAC的儿童制定并社交验证与疼痛有关的适当词汇表。采用了顺序的,探索性的混合方法设计。本文着重于定量阶段。研究人员开发了一组场景,以收集来自74名儿童,61名父母和56名老师的适合6至0-7; 11岁(年;月,月)和8至0-9; 11岁儿童的疼痛相关词汇。提出了约629个与疼痛有关的单词或短语,然后将其分为七个类别。由三位使用AAC的成年人编制并在社交上验证了84种最常见的与疼痛有关的词汇的综合清单。他们强调个性化词汇的必要性,并为在任何类型的AAC系统上显示的词汇组织提供了建议。尽管各个受访者提供的单词类别相似,但差异突显了一个以上观点(尤其是儿童和成人)在生成全面词汇表中的重要性。



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