首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science >Seasonal dynamics of soil aggregates and associated C and N stocks in different fertilizer managements

Seasonal dynamics of soil aggregates and associated C and N stocks in different fertilizer managements


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ABSTRACT Soil aggregates and associated carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stocks are important for soil organic matter (SOM) consequences and quality. The study is meant to understand the mechanisms of how fertilization management affects Cand Nstocks. Tobacco monocropping systems with four fertilizer treatments (0, 75, and 112kg Nha−1, and 60kg Nha−1 + manure) were established in 1998. After 19 years, crop monocrop and fertilization management redetermined soil aggregates and related indicators. The results showed the large aggregates proportion (LMP) and small macroaggregates proportion (SMP) varied inversely with changing season. The LMP gradually rose after the implementation of tillage while microaggregates gradually declined. By manure fertilizer, LMP and SMP were significantly higher than those in inorganic fertilizer treatments, while microaggregates proportion (MIP) and silt and clay proportion (SCP) were lower than in inorganic fertilizer treatments. Soil water-stable aggregate and their associated soil organic stocks are changed with growing season, and tillage practices would have potentially affected these indicators, while the proportion and soil organic stocks more quickly recovered in large aggregates by manure application. Therefore, the proper application of manure combined with chemical fertilizer would maintain soil quality in tobacco cultivation.
机译:摘要 土壤团聚体和伴生碳(C)和氮(N)储量对土壤有机质(SOM)的影响和质量具有重要意义。该研究旨在了解施肥管理如何影响 Cand Nstocks 的机制。1998 年建立了具有四种肥料处理(0、75 和 112kg Nha−1 和 60kg Nha−1 + 肥料)的烟草单一作物系统。19年后,作物单一作物和施肥管理重新确定了土壤团聚体和相关指标。结果表明:大团聚体比重(LMP)和小团聚料比重(SMP)随季节变化呈负比变化。实施耕作后LMP逐渐上升,微团聚体逐渐下降。按粪肥施用,LMP和SMP显著高于无机肥处理,微团聚体比(MIP)和淤泥黏土比(SCP)均低于无机肥处理。土壤水稳性团聚体及其相关的土壤有机储量随生长季节而变化,耕作方式可能会影响这些指标,而施肥可更快地恢复大团聚体的比例和土壤有机储量。因此,在烟草种植中,适当施用粪肥和化肥可以保持土壤质量。



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