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Uterine necrosis after B-Lynch suture in a classical caesarean section


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I read with interest the article by Mowat et al, 'A necrotic uterus after a B-Lynch suture: fertility sparing surgery'. Classical caesarean section (CS) was performed due to placenta praevia and clinical chorioamnionitis. The authors suggested that chorioamnionitis may have been a predisposing factor for uterine necrosis. I have three comments.First, B-Lynch suture with classical CS incision, and not lower uterine segment transverse incision, may be technically difficult. Even if it can be performed, it may not achieve sufficient haemostasis of the lower uterine segment. Mowat et al. employed a classical CS, a vertical incision into the body of the uterus above the lower uterine segment, according to Williams Textbook.2 Mowat et al. stated, 'the technique used was that described by B-Lynch in his original paper except the uterus was not reopened to place the suture'. This can be read as B-Lynch suture was performed with a classical CS incision.
机译:我饶有兴趣地阅读了Mowat等人的文章“ B-Lynch缝合后坏死的子宫:保留生育能力的手术”。由于前置胎盘和临床绒毛膜羊膜炎,进行了经典剖腹产手术。作者认为绒毛膜羊膜炎可能已经成为子宫坏死的诱因。我有三点评论:首先,B-Lynch缝合采用经典的CS切口,而不是子宫下段横向切口,在技术上可能很困难。即使可以执行,也可能无法实现子宫下段的足够止血。 Mowat等。根据Williams Textbook [2]的研究,采用了经典的CS技术,即在子宫下部上方的子宫体内垂直切开切口。2Mowat等人。他说,“所使用的技术是B-Lynch在他的原始论文中描述的技术,只是子宫没有重新打开以放置缝合线”。这可以理解为使用经典CS切口进行B-Lynch缝合。



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