首页> 外文期刊>Australian journal of grape and wine research >Cultivar susceptibility and control of angular leaf scorch in grapevine

Cultivar susceptibility and control of angular leaf scorch in grapevine


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Background and Aims Angular leaf scorch (ALS), caused by the fungus Pseudopezicula tetraspora, is an exotic disease threat to the $45 billion Australian wine industry. Research was undertaken at the Cornell University New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, NY, USA to develop contingency plans for the Australian wine industry in the event of an ALS incursion. Methods and Results Evaluation of Vitis vinifera cultivars widely grown in Australia revealed that Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir have moderate to high susceptibility to infection by P. tetraspora. The fungicides trifloxystrobin, pyraclostrobin and tebuconazole were shown to be effective at controlling ALS. A drastic pruning eradication strategy was successfully validated for ALS, resulting in no disease recurrence within 3 years of the initial eradication protocol. Conclusions Cultivars grown in Australia ranged in susceptibility to ALS. Fungicides available in Australia are effective and could be used to control ALS in the event of an incursion. The drastic pruning strategy will be included in the Australian Viticulture Industry Biosecurity Plan for potential implementation as part of an incursion response. Significance of the Study This research contributes to the biosecurity capability of the Australian viticulture industry and to improved industry preparedness. It has the potential to reduce production losses and vineyard re-establishment costs, while maintaining the competitive advantage conferred by freedom from exotic diseases.
机译:背景和目的 由真菌 Pseudopezicula tetraspora(四孢子虫)引起的角叶焦病 (ALS) 是一种对价值 450 亿澳元的澳大利亚葡萄酒业的外来疾病威胁。位于美国纽约州日内瓦的康奈尔大学纽约州农业实验站进行了研究,以制定澳大利亚葡萄酒行业在ALS入侵时的应急计划。方法和结果 对澳大利亚广泛种植的葡萄品种进行评价,发现雷司令、长相思、赤霞珠和黑皮诺对四孢子虫侵染具有中度至高度的易感性。杀菌剂三氟菌酯、吡唑醚菌酯和戊唑醇被证明可有效控制肌萎缩侧索硬化症。针对 ALS 的彻底修剪根除策略已成功验证,导致在初始根除方案后 3 年内没有疾病复发。结论 澳大利亚种植的品种对ALS的易感性各不相同。澳大利亚可用的杀菌剂是有效的,可用于在入侵时控制ALS。大刀阔斧的修剪策略将被纳入澳大利亚葡萄栽培业生物安全计划,作为入侵应对措施的一部分进行实施。研究的意义 这项研究有助于提高澳大利亚葡萄栽培业的生物安全能力,并改善行业准备工作。它有可能减少生产损失和葡萄园重建成本,同时保持无外来疾病所带来的竞争优势。




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