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Missing mines show all is not necessarily well


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"AS DRYBLOWER was going up the stairs he met a nickel mine that wasn't there, he met it there again today, oh how he wishes that nickel mine would go away." With apologies to the late William Hughes Mearns, the man credited with an immortal nonsense poem for children about a man on the stairs who wasn't there, Dryblower admits to a fascination with the concept of things that we cannot see - such as mothballed mines. Why, you might reasonably ask, would anyone care about something that is closed, mothballed, or downsized? The answer is as simple as the earth's geology - it never really goes away. The metals in the ground that once formed the basis of mines such as the Ravensthorpe nickel mine, and the Lennard Shelf zinc mines, are still there. Only the men and women digging and processing the ore have gone away.
机译:“当DRYBLOWER上楼梯时,他遇到了一个不在那儿的镍矿,今天他又在那儿见到了,噢,他希望镍矿能消失。”向已故的威廉·休斯·梅恩斯(William Hughes Mearns)道歉,这名男子为孩子们写了一本不朽的废话,讲述一个关于不在楼梯上的男子的故事,Dryblower承认对我们看不见的事物的迷恋,例如被封存的地雷。您可能会合理地问,为什么有人会在乎封闭,滞留或缩小的东西?答案就像地球的地质一样简单-它永远不会消失。曾经是Ravensthorpe镍矿和Lennard Shelf锌矿等矿山基础的地下金属仍然存在。只有挖掘和加工矿石的男人和女人走了。



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