首页> 外文期刊>Australasian Plant Pathology >Combining an initial risk assessment process with DNA assays to improve prediction of soilborne diseases caused by root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp lycopersici in the Queensland tomato industry

Combining an initial risk assessment process with DNA assays to improve prediction of soilborne diseases caused by root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp lycopersici in the Queensland tomato industry

机译:将初始风险评估过程与DNA分析相结合,以改善对根结线虫(Meloidogyne spp。)和尖孢镰刀菌f。引起的土壤传播疾病的预测。昆士兰番茄产业中的sp lycopersici

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A two-step process was used to assess the risk of losses from root-knot nematode and Fusarium wilt in fields to be planted to tomatoes. The first step involved deciding well before planting whether the risk of disease was high enough to justify collecting soil samples to determine pathogen inoculum density. This interim assessment was done using information on the major factors likely to affect disease risk ( i. e. cropping history, disease history, soil texture and expected temperature during the growing season), in order to calculate a hazard index ( score between 0 and 50). Its value as a predictive tool was validated by relating the hazard index to actual disease incidence and severity in representative tomato fields. The usefulness of the hazard index was often found to be limited by a lack of reliable information on disease history. Nevertheless, it had some predictive value, as all sites with moderate infestations of root-knot nematode had hazard indexes greater than 40, and most sites with more than 3% Fusarium wilt had hazard indexes greater than 35. The second step in the prediction process involved using DNA tests to estimate inoculum densities of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici and root-knot nematode in soil collected before planting. Experiments in pots and in the field confirmed that the incidence and severity of both diseases was related to pre-plant inoculum density. The DNA test for root-knot nematode was useful from a practical point of view as it detected nematode populations capable of causing economically damaging levels of galling at harvest. However, the test for F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici was not sensitive enough to always detect the pathogen in soils where 4 - 10% of plants were diseased.
机译:采用两步过程评估了种植番茄的田间根结线虫和镰刀菌枯萎的损失风险。第一步涉及在种植前充分确定疾病风险是否足够高以证明收集土壤样品以确定病原体接种密度是合理的。使用有关可能影响疾病风险的主要因素的信息(即种植历史,疾病历史,土壤质地和生长期的预期温度)进行临时评估,以计算危害指数(得分在0至50之间)。通过将危险指数与代表性番茄田的实际发病率和严重程度相关联,验证了其作为预测工具的价值。人们经常发现,由于缺乏有关疾病史的可靠信息,危害指数的有用性受到了限制。但是,它具有一定的预测价值,因为所有中等程度根结线虫侵染的地点的危害指数都大于40,大多数镰刀菌枯萎病的部位都具有大于35的危害指数。预测过程的第二步参与使用DNA测试估计尖镰刀菌的接种密度。 sp。种植前收集的土壤中的lycopersici和根结线虫。在盆内和田间进行的实验证实,这两种疾病的发生和严重程度都与种植前接种物的密度有关。根结线虫的DNA测试从实用的角度来看非常有用,因为它可以检测到能够在收获时造成经济破坏的of虫危害的线虫种群。然而,测试为F. oxysporum f。 sp。 lycopersici不够灵敏,无法始终检测出4-10%的植物患病的土壤中的病原体。



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