首页> 外文期刊>Australasian Plant Pathology >Bibulocystis gen. nov. (Uredinales) on Daviesia (Fabaceae) and Albizia (Mimosaceae) in Australasia, with comments on the genera Cystomyces and Dicheirinia and rust genera with teliospore cysts.

Bibulocystis gen. nov. (Uredinales) on Daviesia (Fabaceae) and Albizia (Mimosaceae) in Australasia, with comments on the genera Cystomyces and Dicheirinia and rust genera with teliospore cysts.


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The five known genera of Uredinales with hygroscopic teliospore cysts, Cystomyces, Kernkampella, Ravenelia, Spumula and Uromycladium, are discussed. Of these, the monotypic Cystomyces, type species C. costaricensis, is the only one with teliospores composed of a simple, monohyphal pedicel attached to cysts, which bear the fertile cells. A rust of Daviesia species in south-eastern Australia was thought originally to be an undescribed species of Cystomyces. Type material of C. costaricensis has been studied. Whereas Cystomyces has teliospores borne on percurrently proliferating sporogenous cells and three, dark-walled fertile cells with apical germ slits, the Daviesia rust has teliospores borne on sympodially proliferating sporogenous cells and four, pale-walled fertile cells, each with an apical germ pore. Its teliospores show a complex arrangement of cysts and fertile cells, which is described and illustrated. These and other differences indicate that the Daviesia rust represents a previously unknown genus, described here as Bibulocystis gen. nov., type species B. pulcherrima var. pulcherrima. A single collection from the Central Tablelands of NSW with smaller, often irregular, teliospores is described as B. pulcherrima var. monticola. Only pycnia and telia are known for the two varieties. An emended description of the genus Cystomyces is given. The full-cycled rust of Albizia from New Caledonia described as Dicheirinia viennotii is compared with original material of the type species of Dicheirinia, D. binata. Whilst Dicheirinia has teliospores with ornamented fertile cells borne on sterile cells, teliospores of the Albizia rust have smooth fertile cells borne on hygroscopic cysts. As its teliospores closely resemble those of the Australian Daviesia rusts, it is transferred as Bibulocystis viennotii. The characteristics and taxonomic position of the other 11 species currently placed in Dicheirinia are summarised briefly. Bibulocystis is the sixth rust genus with hygroscopic teliospore cysts and the fourth recorded in Australia, with Kernkampella, Ravenelia and Uromycladium..
机译:讨论了具有吸湿性孢子孢子囊的乌头类的五个已知属,囊孢菌,Kernkampella,Ravenelia,Spumula和泌尿系。在这些中,单型的Cystomyces,C.costaricensis类型种,是唯一具有由简单的单菌毛的花梗组成的,带有附着于囊肿并带有可育细胞的孢子的囊孢菌。澳大利亚东南部的达维西亚物种锈病最初被认为是一种未描述的囊孢菌种。研究了C.costaricensis的类型材料。膀胱孢子虫的孢子体在不断增殖的孢子体细胞上繁殖,而三个带有顶芽的黑壁可育细胞带有孢子菌,达维西亚锈病的菌丝体在鳞状细胞增殖的孢子体细胞和四个浅壁的可育细胞上都带有菌丝体,每个细胞都有一个顶芽。其孢子显示出囊肿和可育细胞的复杂排列,对此进行了描述和说明。这些和其他差异表明Daviesia锈代表以前未知的属,在此称为Bibulocystis属。 11月,类型为B. pulcherrima var。 pulcherrima。来自新南威尔士州中部平原的一个单一的集合,具有较小的,通常是不规则的梯形孢子,被称为B. pulcherrima var。蒙蒂科拉。这两个变种只知道比奇尼亚和telia。对囊孢菌属进行了改进的描述。将来自新喀里多尼亚的被称为Dicheirinia viennotii的Albizia的全循环锈蚀与Dicheirinia,D. binata类型物种的原始材料进行了比较。尽管二足纲虫的孢子具有在无菌细胞上携带的装饰性可育细胞,但铁锈锈菌的孢子却具有在吸湿性囊肿上携带的光滑可育细胞。由于其孢子孢子与澳大利亚戴维西亚锈菌的孢子极为相似,因此被转移为维也纳双孢囊虫。简要总结了目前放置在双足纲动物中的其他11个物种的特征和分类学位置。烟囊孢子虫是具有吸湿性孢子孢子囊的第六种锈菌属,在澳大利亚有四种锈菌属,分别是Kernkampella,Ravenelia和Uromycladium。



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