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Investigations into the seed and mealybug transmission of Taro bacilliform virus.


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Investigations were conducted into the transmission of Taro bacilliform badnavirus (TaBV) by seed and mealybugs. Seed transmission was investigated by artificially pollinating TaBV-infected taro. Seeds derived from four successfully pollinated plants tested positive for TaBV by PCR. Twenty seeds derived from each pollinated plant were also germinated; 2/80 seedlings showed TaBV-like symptoms and tested positive for TaBV by PCR. Pollen samples taken from TaBV-infected plants also tested positive for the virus. Mealybug transmission was investigated by exposing 51 healthy taro plants to Pseudococcus solomonensis that had been reared on TaBV-infected taro plants. Typical virus symptoms developed on 17 plants between 24 and 36 days after feeding; all these plants, in addition to 13 symptomless plants, tested positive for TaBV by PCR. This is the first report of TaBV transmission by P. solomonensis and the first report of P. solomonensis in Samoa.
机译:调查了通过种子和粉虱传播的芋头杆状病毒(TaBV)。通过人工授粉TaBV感染的芋头研究了种子传播。通过PCR,从四株成功授粉的植物中获得的种子TaBV呈阳性。每个授粉植物的20个种子也发芽了; 2/80苗显示TaBV样症状,并通过PCR检测TaBV阳性。从TaBV感染的植物中采集的花粉样品也对该病毒呈阳性反应。通过将51株健康的芋头植物暴露于已在TaBV感染的芋头植物上饲养的所罗门氏假单胞菌中,研究了a的传播。进食后24至36天之间,有17种植物出现典型的病毒症状。除13种无症状植物外,所有这些植物均通过PCR检测TaBV呈阳性。这是萨洛单胞菌传播TaBV的第一篇报道,也是萨摩亚萨洛单胞菌传播TaBV的第一篇报道。



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