首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psychoeducational assessment >A PROACTIVE Coping Scale for U.S. College Students: Initial Evidence and Implications

A PROACTIVE Coping Scale for U.S. College Students: Initial Evidence and Implications


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The present studies report the development of a PROACTIVE coping scale to evaluate actions used by U.S. college students to prevent or prepare for potential future stressors. Results of EFA and CFA using two samples of U.S. college students (total N = 1123) indicated the viability and stability of a 19-item four-factor model of proactive coping: Active Preparation, Ineffective Preparation, Self-Management, and Utilization of Social Resources . The scale demonstrated good psychometric properties, and each factor represents a meaningful and distinctive facet of proactive coping behavior. Concurrent and incremental validity estimates indicated that the subscales of the scale were (a) associated with problem-solving appraisal, future-oriented thoughts, life satisfaction, and optimism in expected ways, and (b) accounted for more variance on life satisfaction beyond the effect of the problem-solving appraisal. The results from this study indicate the importance of broadening coping to include proactive coping and how proactive coping is associated with various psychological outcomes.
机译:本研究报告了主动应对量表的开发,以评估美国大学生为预防或准备未来潜在的压力源而采取的行动。使用两个美国大学生样本(总 N = 1123)的 EFA 和 CFA 结果表明,主动应对的 19 项四因素模型的可行性和稳定性:积极准备、无效准备、自我管理和社会资源利用。该量表表现出良好的心理测量特性,每个因素都代表了主动应对行为的一个有意义和独特的方面。同时和增量效度估计表明,量表的分量表(a)与解决问题的评估、面向未来的思考、生活满意度和预期的乐观情绪相关,以及(b)在解决问题评估的影响之外,对生活满意度的更多差异。这项研究的结果表明,扩大应对范围以包括主动应对的重要性,以及主动应对如何与各种心理结果相关联。




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