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Recent-Onset Altered Mental Status: Evaluation and Management


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Potential precipitating factors for the recent onset of altered mental status (AMS) include primary central nervous system insults, systemic infections, metabolic disturbances, toxin exposure, medications, chronic systemic diseases, and psychiatric conditions. Delirium is also an important manifestation of AMS, especially in older people who are hospitalized. Clinicians should identify and treat reversible causes of the AMS, some of which require urgent intervention to minimize morbidity and mortality. A history and physical examination guide diagnostic testing. Laboratory testing, chest radiography, and electrocardiography help diagnose infections, metabolic disturbances, toxins, and systemic conditions. Neuroimaging with computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging should be performed when the initial evaluation does not identify a cause or raises concern for intracranial pathology. Lumbar puncture and electroenceph-alography are also important diagnostic tests in the evaluation of AMS. Patients at increased risk of AMS benefit from preventive measures. The underlying etiology determines the definitive treatment. When intervention is needed to control patient behaviors that threaten themselves or others, nonpharmacologic interventions are preferred to medications. Physical restraints should rarely be used and only for the shortest time possible. Medications should be used only when nonpharmacologic treatments are ineffective.
机译:近期发生精神状态改变 (AMS) 的潜在诱发因素包括原发性中枢神经系统损伤、全身感染、代谢紊乱、毒素暴露、药物、慢性全身性疾病和精神疾病。谵妄也是AMS的一个重要表现,尤其是在住院的老年人中。临床医生应识别和治疗 AMS 的可逆性病因,其中一些病因需要紧急干预,以尽量减少发病率和死亡率。病史和体格检查可指导诊断性检查。实验室检查、胸部 X 线检查和心电图有助于诊断感染、代谢紊乱、毒素和全身性疾病。当初始评估不能确定病因或引起颅内病变的担忧时,应进行神经影像学检查和计算机断层扫描或磁共振成像。腰椎穿刺和脑电图也是评估 AMS 的重要诊断性检查。AMS 风险增加的患者可受益于预防措施。基础病因决定了确定性治疗。当需要干预来控制威胁自己或他人的患者行为时,非药物干预优于药物治疗。应很少使用身体约束,并且只能在尽可能短的时间内使用。只有在非药物治疗无效时才应使用药物。



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