首页> 外文期刊>Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France >Examining the sarcosaprophagous fauna in a natural mountain environment (Sierra Espuna, Murcia, Spain)

Examining the sarcosaprophagous fauna in a natural mountain environment (Sierra Espuna, Murcia, Spain)


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The sarcosaprophagous community has been studied in a natural mountainous area at 400m altitude, in Sierra Espuna (Murcia, SE Spain) during April and May 2007, using a modified Schoenly trap baited with a 5kg piglet (Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758). In total, 13,527 specimens from 15 orders of arthropods were collected. A summary of the overall results is presented detailing the most relevant taxa. The relationship between colonizing fauna and the phase of decomposition of the carcass, which is a relevant aspect in determining the post mortem interval, has been also studied using PERMANOVA and SIMPER analysis. The importance of Diptera over other arthropods orders, and the fact that the entomosarcosaprophagous fauna configure a well-structured and progressively organized community, has been noted.
机译:在2007年4月至5月期间,在改良的Schoenly诱饵上诱捕了5kg的小猪(Sus scrofa Linnaeus,1758),在2007年4月至5月的Sierra Espuna(西班牙东南穆尔西亚),在海拔400m的天然山区研究了肉食性群落。总共从15个节肢动物中收集了13527个标本。提供了总体结果的摘要,其中详细说明了最相关的分类单元。还使用PERMANOVA和SIMPER分析方法研究了定居死后间隔的一个重要方面,即殖民动物群与the体分解阶段之间的关系。人们已经注意到双足纲动物比其他节肢动物纲重要,而昆虫纲食虫动物区系构成一个结构良好且逐步组织的社区。



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