首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning >The potential of chatbots in travel and tourism services in the context of social distancing

The potential of chatbots in travel and tourism services in the context of social distancing


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As many other sectors, the travel and tourism industries faced great challenges following the 2019/2020 health pandemic, with confinements and border closures bringing travel to a halt. Although research exploring the impact of the health crisis is increasing, prior work investigating the potential of emerging technologies to mitigate the negative consequences remains scarce. The purpose of the current paper is to examine tourists' chatbot usage intentions in service encounters within the context of a future international travel, assuming continued social distancing. Our results indicate that automation, habit, social presence and health consciousness all contributed positively to chatbot usage intentions. Further variations were observed as a function of experiencing government-imposed lockdown. The role of social presence and human qualities in chatbots was weakened when controlling for lockdown and during the trip experience. Finally, the impact of health consciousness on use intentions was most pronounced during the travel stage.
机译:与许多其他行业一样,在 2019/2020 年健康大流行之后,旅行和旅游业面临着巨大挑战,禁闭和边境关闭导致旅行停止。尽管探索健康危机影响的研究正在增加,但先前调查新兴技术减轻负面影响的潜力的工作仍然很少。本文的目的是在未来国际旅行的背景下,假设持续保持社交距离,研究游客在服务遭遇中的聊天机器人使用意图。我们的结果表明,自动化、习惯、社交存在和健康意识都对聊天机器人的使用意愿做出了积极贡献。观察到进一步的变化是经历政府实施的封锁的函数。在控制锁定和旅行体验期间,社交存在和人类素质在聊天机器人中的作用被削弱了。最后,健康意识对使用意愿的影响在旅行阶段最为明显。




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