首页> 外文期刊>Journal of medicinal food >Review of Clinical Effects and Presumed Mechanism of Action of the French Oak Wood Extract Robuvit

Review of Clinical Effects and Presumed Mechanism of Action of the French Oak Wood Extract Robuvit


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Since ancient times, oak wood polyphenols are consumed concomitantly with beverages that are stored and aged in oak wood barrels. Among these polyphenols are roburins, which belong to the class of ellagitannins and only occur in oak. To date, water-extracted standardized French Quercus robur wood extract, commercially known as Robuvit, has been investigated in 1172 subjects in over 20 published clinical trials. The results of the clinical studies are consistent with reported effects of urolithins regarding increased mitophagy, pointing to enhanced energy capacity. The Robuvit metabolite urolithin A, B, and C levels and the number of urolithin producers were found to be increased after intake of the extract. Mitophagy is a process, which assigns energy inefficient mitochondria to disassembly, followed by reconstruction to new and more efficient replacements. This effect of Robuvit was observed in different study groups. Supplementation of Robuvit is ascribed to aid chronically fatigued or burnt-out individuals to regain higher energy and activity levels. Robuvit has been further shown to improve conditions such as renal insufficiency, liver insufficiency, mild heart failure, posttraumatic stress disorder and fatigue after surgery and facilitate recovery from mild health impairments such as flu or hangover. There are also indications that Robuvit helps improve erectile function and general loss of vigor in elderly men. Ex vivo gene expression experiments using metabolites collected from Robuvit consumers point to increased ribosomal biogenesis in endothelial, neuronal, and keratinocyte cells. Higher ribosome density accelerates the peptide production to meet protein demand, making Robuvit a potential enhancer of physical endurance and performance. A study with recreational athletes, supplemented with Robuvit daily, reported significantly increased performance in triathlon.
机译:自古以来,橡木多酚与在橡木桶中储存和陈酿的饮料一起食用。在这些多酚中,有罗布林,它属于鞣花单宁类,只存在于橡木中。迄今为止,水提取的标准化法国栎木提取物(商业上称为 Robuvit)已在 20 多项已发表的临床试验中对 1172 名受试者进行了研究。临床研究的结果与尿石素在增加线粒体自噬方面的报道一致,表明能量容量增强。摄入提取物后,发现 Robuvit 代谢物尿石素 A、B 和 C 水平以及尿石素产生者的数量增加。线粒体自噬是一个过程,它将低能效的线粒体分解,然后重建为新的和更有效的替代品。在不同的研究组中观察到Robuvit的这种效果。补充 Robuvit 是为了帮助长期疲劳或倦怠的人恢复更高的能量和活动水平。Robuvit 已被进一步证明可以改善肾功能不全、肝功能不全、轻度心力衰竭、创伤后应激障碍和手术后疲劳等状况,并促进从轻度健康损害(如流感或宿醉)中恢复。还有迹象表明,Robuvit 有助于改善老年男性的勃起功能和整体活力丧失。使用从Robuvit消费者那里收集的代谢物进行的离体基因表达实验表明,内皮细胞、神经元细胞和角质形成细胞中的核糖体生物发生增加。更高的核糖体密度可加速肽的产生以满足蛋白质需求,使 Robuvit 成为身体耐力和性能的潜在增强剂。一项针对休闲运动员的研究,每天补充 Robuvit,报告称铁人三项的表现显着提高。




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