首页> 外文期刊>Botany >Studies on the flowering biology of red sorrel (Rumex acetosella) ramets from lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) fields in Nova Scotia, Canada

Studies on the flowering biology of red sorrel (Rumex acetosella) ramets from lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) fields in Nova Scotia, Canada

机译:加拿大新斯科舍省矮灌木蓝莓(Vaccinium angustifolium)田红酸模(Rumex acetosella)分株的开花生物学研究

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Red sorrel (Rumex acetosella L.) is a ramet-producing herbaceous creeping perennial species commonly found as a weed in commercially managed lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton) fields in Nova Scotia, Canada. Flowering and seed production occur primarily in overwintering ramets of this species, indicating a potential vernalization requirement for flowering. This study was therefore initiated to examine the role of vernalization, photoperiod, and pre-vernalization stimulus on ramet flowering. Red sorrel ramets propagated from creeping roots and seeds collected from established red sorrel populations in lowbush blueberry had an obligate requirement for vernalization to flower. Ramet populations maintained under pre-and post-vernalization photoperiods of 16 h flowered following 12 weeks of vernalization at 4 +/- 0.1 degrees C, whereas those maintained under constant 16, 14, or 8 h photoperiods without vernalization did not flower. Vernalization for 10 weeks maximized, but did not saturate, the flowering response. Pre-vernalization photoperiod affected flowering response, with increased flowering frequency observed in ramet populations exposed to decreasing, rather than constant, photoperiod prior to vernalization. This study represents the first attempt to determine the combined effects of vernalization and photoperiod on red sorrel flowering, and the results provide a benchmark for the future study of flowering and sexual reproduction in this economically important perennial weed species.
机译:红浆草(Rumex acetosella L.)是一种产生ra的草本多年生物种,通常在加拿大新斯科舍省商业管理的矮灌木蓝莓(Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton)田间作为杂草被发现。开花和种子生产主要发生在该物种的越冬分株上,表明开花可能需要春化处理。因此,本研究开始以检验春化,光周期和春化前刺激对花met开花的作用。从矮生蓝莓中繁殖出的红浆分株和从矮灌木蓝莓中已建立的红or浆种群中收集的种子对春化花都有一定的要求。在4 +/- 0.1摄氏度下在春化处理12周后,在春化前后的花期保持在16 h的花et种群,而在没有春化处理的16、14或8 h恒定的光照期中,花population的种群没有开花。 10周的春化使开花反应最大化,但没有达到饱和。春化前的光周期影响开花响应,在春化前暴露于降低而不是恒定的光周期的分株种群中观察到的开花频率增加。这项研究是确定春化和光周期对红浆开花的综合影响的首次尝试,并且该结果为该具有重要经济意义的多年生杂草物种的开花和有性繁殖的未来研究提供了基准。



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