首页> 外文期刊>Brain, behavior and evolution >Afferent and efferent connections of the pineal organ in the European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax: a carbocyanine dye tract-tracing study.

Afferent and efferent connections of the pineal organ in the European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax: a carbocyanine dye tract-tracing study.

机译:欧洲鲈鱼Dicentrarchus labrax中松果体器官的传出和传出:碳花青染料束示踪研究。

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The pineal organ of fish is a photosensitive structure that receives light information from the environment and transduces it into hormonal (rhythmic melatonin secretion) and neural (efferent projectionseurotransmitters) signals. In this study, we focused on this neural output. Thus, we performed a tract-tracing study using 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI), a fluorescent carbocyanine dye, in order to elucidate the efferent and afferent connections of the pineal organ in the European sea bass. The axonal transport of DiI revealed extensive bilateral projections in the sea bass brain. The efferent projections of the sea bass pineal organ reach the habenula, ventral thalamus, periventricular pretectum, central pretectal area, posterior tubercle and medial and dorsal tegmental areas. In addition, in this study we also examined the pinealopetal system in sea bass. This analysis demonstrated that the sea bass pineal organ receives central projections from neurons located, to a large extent, in brain areas innervated by pineal efferent projections, i.e. the thalamic eminence, habenula, ventral thalamus, dorsal thalamus, periventricular pretectum, posterior commissure, posterior tubercle and medial tegmental area. This study is the first description of pinealofugal projections in a representative of Perciformes, which constitutes a derived order within teleosts. Moreover, it represents the first evidence for the presence of pinealopetal neurons in the brain of a teleost species. Our findings, together with the analysis of retinal connections, represent a step forward in the understanding of the integration of photoperiodic signals into the central nervous system of sea bass.
机译:鱼的松果体器官是一种光敏结构,可以从环境中接收光信息,并将其转换为激素(褪黑素的节律性分泌)和神经(有效的投射/神经递质)信号。在这项研究中,我们专注于这种神经输出。因此,为了阐明松果体的出入连接,我们使用了1,1'-二十八烷基-3,3,3',3'-四甲基吲哚羰花青高氯酸盐(DiI)(一种荧光性的花青染料)进行了追踪研究。风琴在欧洲鲈鱼中。 DiI的轴突运输揭示了鲈鱼大脑中广泛的双边投影。鲈鱼松果器官的传出投影到达哈贝努拉,腹侧丘脑,脑室前盖,中央前盖区,后结节以及内侧和背侧被盖区。此外,在这项研究中,我们还研究了鲈鱼中的松坡系统。该分析表明,鲈鱼松果体器官在很大程度上受到位于松果体出射神经支配的大脑区域的神经元的中央投射,即丘脑隆起,哈贝努拉,腹侧丘脑,背侧丘脑,室前膜,后连合,后结节和内侧被膜区。这项研究是在Perciformes的代表中对松果体的预测的首次描述,它构成了硬骨体内的派生顺序。而且,它代表了硬骨鱼类大脑中存在松果神经元的第一个证据。我们的发现以及对视网膜连接的分析,代表了在将光周期信号整合到鲈鱼中枢神经系统中的理解的一个进步。



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