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Chorological and taxonomic notes on African plants


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This paper presents notes on new records and the taxonomy of 12 vascular plant species from several continental African countries and Madagascar. Datura wrightii (Solanaceae) is a new species for Africa reported from Morocco. Amaranthus muricatus (Amaranthaceae) is reported for the first time in Tunisia, Barleria oenotheroides (Acanthaceae) – from Central African Republic and Senegal, Burkea africana (Fabaceae) – from Guinea-Bissau, Caylusea abyssinica (Resedaceae) – from Zambia, Digitaria ciliaris (Poaceae) – from Morocco. New data on distribution in Africa is provided for Camptorrhiza strumosa (Colchicaceae) and four Resedaceae taxa: Caylusea hexagyna, Ochradenus baccatus, Reseda arabica and Reseda villosa. The taxonomy of the enigmatic Madagascan endemic Mollugo caespitosa (Molluginaceae) is reviewed, and it is synonymized with Mollugo decandra. The lectotypes are designated for both Mollugo species.
机译:本文介绍了来自非洲几个大陆国家和马达加斯加的12种维管植物物种的新记录和分类学注释。曼陀罗(茄科)是摩洛哥报道的非洲新物种。据报道,突尼斯首次报道了mar菜(Amaranthus muricatus)(Bar菜科)–来自中非共和国和非洲塞内加尔的Burkeaafricana(Fabaceae)–来自几内亚比绍,Caylusea abyssinica(Resedaceae)–来自赞比亚(Digitan)禾本科)–来自摩洛哥。提供了有关非洲桔梗(Colchicaceae)和四个Resedaceae类群的非洲分布的新数据:Caylusea hexagyna,Ochradenus baccatus,Reseda arabica和Reseda villosa。马达加斯加的地方性Mollugo caespitosa(Molluginaceae)的分类学进行了综述,它与Mollugo decandra相同。两种Mollugo物种均指定了选型。



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