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Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 5


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The paper presents new records for 19 vascular plant species from 14 Eurasian countries. Two taxa (Siphonostegia chinensis and Utricularia macrorhiza) are reported from Russia, two (Achnatherum botschantzevii and Stipa zalesskii) from Kyrgyzstan, one (Allium petraeum) from Uzbekistan, three (Crambe orientalis, Eleocharis mamillata and Geranium pratense. subsp. sergievskajae) from Kazakhstan, two (Atriplex crassifolia and Petrosimonia brachyphylla) from China, one (Crambe orientalis) from Tajikistan, one (Stipa krylovii) from India, one (Agrostis lazica) from Iraq, two (Orobanche coerulescens and Orobanche zajaciorum) from Armenia, one (Phelipanche lavandulacea) from Montenegro, one (Panicum riparium) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania and Sweden, one (Sporobolus vaginiflorus) from Bosnia and Herzegovina and two (Ranunculus penicillatus subsp. pseudofluitans and Scutellaria minor) from Poland. Three of the taxa presented (Crambe orientalis, Panicum riparium and Sporobolus vaginiflorus) are regarded as alien to the studied areas, whereas the remaining 16 are native elements to the flora of the countries. For each species, synonyms, general distribution, habitat preferences, taxonomy with remarks on recognition and differentiation of the species from the most similar taxa occurring in a given country, as well as a list of recorded localities (often far from the previously known areas) are presented.
机译:本文介绍了来自14个欧亚国家的19种维管束植物的新记录。俄罗斯报道了两种分类单元(Siphonostegia chinensis和Utricularia macrorhiza),吉尔吉斯斯坦报道了两种(Achnatherum botschantzevii和Stipa zalesskii),乌兹别克斯坦报道了一种(葱属),乌兹别克斯坦报道了三类(Crambe Orientalis,Eleocharis mamillvata and Gereiumjaratja)。 ,来自中国的两株(巴西滨藜和短叶细辛),来自塔吉克斯坦的一株(东方蛤),来自印度的一株(Stipa krylovii),来自伊拉克的一株(Agrostis lazica),来自亚美尼亚的两株(Orobanche coerulescens和Orobanche zajaciorum),一株(Phelipanche来自黑山的lavandulacea),来自波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那,罗马尼亚和瑞典的一株(Panicum riparium),来自波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的一株(Sporobolus vaginiflorus)和来自波兰的两株(Ranunculus penicillatus subsp.pseudofluitans和Scutellaria minor)。所介绍的三个分类单元(东方蛤,ram药和孢粉)被认为与所研究地区无关,而其余16个是该国植物区系的本地元素。对于每种物种,应使用同义词,一般分布,栖息地偏好,分类法,其中包括对某个国家/地区中最相似的分类单元的识别和区分,以及记录的位置列表(通常远离先前已知的区域)被提出。



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